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Ready For The Scorpio New Moon? Here's What Your Sign Needs To Know

Sarah Regan
October 29, 2024
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
October 29, 2024
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With Scorpio season in full swing, spooky vibes are definitely in the air—and the morning after Halloween, the new moon in Scorpio (November 1 at 8:47 a.m. ET) marks the beginning of a fresh lunar cycle.

New moons are all about planting seeds, beginning, and setting intentions, but depending on where this new moon lands in your birth chart, we all have something different to expect. Here's what all 12 signs need to know.

Note: Be sure to check your sun and rising signs.


This could feel like a transformative new moon for you, Aries, as it lands in your eighth house of transformation and intimacy. According to astrology expert and author of Astrology SOS Imani Quinn, this Scorpio new moon is asking you to delve deep, and you aren't afraid to go for it.

"Fearless Aries, you were born for this. Discover your own shadow, especially through your intimate relationships and your desires, and see what it reveals for you," Quinn adds.


It's time to focus on your closest relationships, Taurus, as this new moon influences your seventh house of partnerships. As Quinn notes, the focus for you now is to get honest with yourself and what you truly want in partnership. "It's ready to present itself to you, so being fearless enough to go for it and ask for what you need is most important," she adds.

You have the opportunity now to deepen your closest relationships, just be mindful of building foundations that can last. As Quinn notes, Scorpio energy requires us to go deep to either build—or tear it down.


We become our habits, Gemini, and what do yours say about you? As this transformative Scorpio new moon highlights your sixth house of self-care and habits, Quinn suggests assessing where you've been avoiding your own healing and self-care.

As she explains, "This new moon is going to make you face yourself but in a way that is relieving, allowing space for deeper parts of you to be accepted and seen through your habits and self-care routines." Now is the time to make any necessary changes.


Feeling passionate, Cancer? As this revealing Scorpio new moon moves through your fifth house of creative expression, drama, and fertility, you could feel especially in touch with your desires, urges, and impulses. And as Quinn notes, your creative expression is your emotional outlet.

"Let your hidden desires guide you to your new beginnings. Your creative inspiration is the answer you've been waiting for to reveal your deeper truths to yourself," she explains.


How are things on the homefront, Leo? New moons are a time of new beginnings, and this Scorpio moon is influencing your fourth house of family and home. According to Quinn, that's the focus right now, with the new moon encouraging you to open up to those in your family and home.

"Work through the hard stuff," Quinn says, adding that it will be rewarding and allow for new chapters and energy to open up. "You're a loyal lion, Leo; remind your loved ones, and you will be rewarded."


You're the analytical, intellectually minded type, Virgo, and under this new moon in Scorpio, it's influencing the way you think—and how you communicate those thoughts. As this moon moves through your third house of communication, Quinn says, "It's time to open up and communicate those deeper truths."

With Mercury as your planetary ruler, she adds, you're perfectly at home here in the third house, so "let Scorpio help you get in touch with what really matters and then share it with those who need to hear it," Quinn adds.


Money on your mind, Libra? You're posed to make money moves under these Scorpio new moon skies, as the moon moves through your second house of money, material possessions, and financial security.

As Quinn explains, you're a lover of luxury, but the Scorpio moon is going to get you in touch with deeper aspects of where you want to invest your time and money, "not just for the fun of it but to find out what you want to allocate yourself to financially." Scorpio is also associated with joint financial ventures, so watch out for opportunities for financial partnerships.


Happy birthday, Scorpio! As the sun moves through your first house of identity, the new moon is meeting up with it in your sign. In other words, Quinn tells mindbodygreen, "This is your new moon, so shine bright. It's your time to be in alignment with your deepest desires."

Then, of course, you can call those desires in. With the sun and moon joining forces, Quinn adds that you're a magnet right now for the things that you want, and your manifesting potential is way, way up.


This could be an especially deep new moon for you, Sagittarius, as it lands in your 12th house of subconscious, endings, and closure. According to Quinn, this Scorpio energy is asking you to slow down—just a bit—to catch why you're doing the things you're doing.

As she explains, "You're in the subconscious realm, which is very much Scorpio energy. So delve into that thin veil, explore the unknown, and see what it has to offer you." It might just propel you toward your deepest desires.


Feeling social, Capricorn? As this Scorpio new moon influences your 11th house of larger community and networks, you just might be. As Quinn tells mindbodygreen, the big focus is that your community is calling you in right now, "and maybe into some of the deeper shadow work that the Scorpio moon has to reveal to you," she adds.

Questions to ask yourself? Consider what you can tap into within yourself to allow you to show up in community in a more authentic way, Quinn says.


How are things looking for you on the career front, Aquarius? This transformative new moon in Scorpio is spotlighting your 10th house of public image and career, so you're in a good position to make some career moves right now. In fact, Quinn says, you're buzzing at work right now.

And when it comes to those hidden dreams that perhaps you don't share with others, Quinn says, "Now is the time to go for those dreams and give them a chance to thrive."


Feeling expansive, Pisces? You're already one to dream big, and as this Scorpio new moon focuses in on your ninth house of travel, philosophy, and higher learning, it's time for you to spread your wings (literally and/or figuratively).

Whether it's taking that trip you've dreamed about forever but have always been too afraid to take, or finally signing up for that course that could lead to a career change, this is your moment, according to Quinn. "Take the plunge on your dreams because if you don't, no one will for you," she adds.

The takeaway

With the regenerative, revealing energy of this Scorpio new moon, and the thin veil of this time of year, we may all receive new, intuitive insights into how we can move forward. No matter your sign, may Scorpio's influence remind us to face our darkness with bravery and strength, in order to receive the blessings on the other side.

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