Ready For November's Money-Minded Taurus Full Moon? Here's What To Know
There's just one week left of Scorpio season—but not without a full moon first! This time around, it's in Scorpio's opposite sign, Taurus, and it's also going to be the last supermoon of 2024.
Here's what to know about the astrology behind this full moon, plus three rituals to work with it.
The astrology behind November's full moon
This month's full moon will be exact on Friday, November 15, at 4:29 p.m. EST. Full moons are a time of culmination and release, and with it being in the sign of Taurus, this will be an especially grounding full moon, according to astrology expert and author of Astrology SOS Imani Quinn.
We may also be delving into deeper emotions and shadow work, with it being Scorpio season, Quinn explains. "Taurus' influence can be very stubborn and make it hard for us to let go of control, which is something to be aware of because this is a full moon—so it is about letting go," she says, adding, "You may end up coming up against things that are hard for you to release or surrender to."
And keep in mind that Taurus is ruled by Venus as well, which influences our resources. Quinn says your resources (whether monetary, natural, or otherwise) will be a big theme right now.
"Take time to rebalance yourself and your relationships. Spending time in nature and doing things that make you feel good is very much Taurus energy while also thinking about tangible resources that can help you during this season of your life in relation to your needs," she tells mindbodygreen.
In terms of the other notable astrological happenings around this full moon, Quinn notes that Uranus—the planet of change—is linking up with this full moon in the sign of Taurus. "This could bring up some uncertainty or unexpected events in accordance with your resources and relationships," she explains.
Meanwhile, Saturn's retrograde is ending as it resumes its direct course in Pisces, which Quinn says is ending a cycle of extra challenges around karmic life lessons. You may have noticed difficulties with illusions or boundaries in the past few months, so Saturn's direct motion should bring some new clarity and intuition.
Finally, Pluto officially moves out of Capricorn on November 19, which ends a 15-year cycle focused on materialism and tradition. As we step into Pluto in Aquarius, Quinn says, things like a collective consciousness, revolutions, and rebellions, and increased technological advancements are going to strongly accelerate.
"So this is a potent time for the collective and for us individually," Quinn tells mindbodygreen, adding, "With Pluto transiting into Aquarius, we can really use this time to not just look to others for change, but to incite change internally."
3 rituals to work with this full moon
Do a grounding meditation
With Taurus being an earth sign, Quinn suggests doing a grounding meditation during this full moon—and preferably outside. Let your feet touch the ground, and just revel in your connection to nature.
"Time in nature can be really great for grounding, and it's also great as a space to tap into intuition, devoid of distractions," Quinn says, adding, "You can use this time to meditate on what you are being asked to let go of within yourself and outwardly."
Don't forget to bring a journal to reflect and write down any insights!
Have a nourishing meal
If you don't consider a delicious meal a ritual, think again! Taurus is a sign that appreciates the finer things in life, and that includes a nourishing, home-cooked meal.
Not to mention, Quinn adds, food can be grounding too. "So make a special full moon meal for yourself or you and loved ones," she suggests. "Use seasonal vegetables like squash, pumpkin, Brussels sprouts—things that are in season—and make it warm and yummy, with intention around nourishing the body with healthy foods," she adds.
Pull a tarot spread
Lastly, Quinn always recommends checking in with your tarot cards for clarity under the full moon. Grab your deck and give this three-card spread a try:
- What has manifested since the new moon?
- What are you letting go of this full moon?
- How are resources being redistributed for you?
The takeaway
We're all gearing up for not only big shifts in our individual lives but on a collective level. Under these Taurus moonbeams, we may be reassessing our values and resources, but we still deserve to set aside some time for some grounding—and a cozy meal.