Which Zodiac Signs Are The Nosiest? These 3 Always Want The Tea

The 12 signs of the zodiac all have their own telltale personality traits. Some signs are less likely to get into your business and ask you personal questions, for instance, while others can be described as nosy.
Of course, someone's sign is never a guarantee they'll be the nosiest person you've ever met, but the following three signs do have a reputation for being curious about the others' business.
And P.S.: This would apply to anyone with any of the following signs as their sun and/or rising sign.
The nosiest zodiac sign of them all is none other than Gemini. They're easily the biggest gossips in the zodiac—and not out of malice but out of genuine curiosity and interest.
As an air sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and information, Gemini is always on the hunt for facts and figures, and considering they're such a social sign, that includes information about others.
The inside of a Gemini's mind is like an intricate web of data, connected dots, and details. The more they know about you, the better—and they're not afraid to ask questions when they're curious.
Another air sign, like Gemini, Libra takes our spot for the second most nosy sign in the zodiac. These social butterflies have calendars full of events and invites, and if there's anything a Libra understands, it's the importance of diplomacy.
To Libra, knowledge of others is power in the sense that it helps them be more likable, charming, and influential. As the most relationship-oriented sign, Libra keeps tabs on others often out of genuine care—but let's be honest—it's also sometimes to manipulate them.
Many Libras don't even realize they're doing it; that's just how their minds work.
And finally, the third nosiest sign of the zodiac is mysterious and sleuthing Scorpio. If you look up "trust issues" in the dictionary, you might as well pop a picture of Scorpio in there. As such, they're always digging for dirt.
Of course, where Gemini and Libra might be more upfront with their nosiness, Scorpio is more low-key. As opposed to asking nosy questions outright, a Scorpio's obsessive tendencies can drive them to cyberstalk, or worse, stalk IRL.
Seriously, don't put it past them. As easily the most jealous and possessive sign at their worst, Scorpio takes nosy to a new level.
The takeaway
It's worth noting again that someone's sign never guarantees exactly how they'll turn out—plus every zodiac sign has the capacity to be nosy in one way or another. That said, in terms of which zodiac signs are most likely to dig up dirt on you, watch out for Gemini, Libra, and Scorpio.