This Year's Only New Moon In Virgo Is Coming: Here's How To Harness It
School's in session! On September 17 at 7 a.m. EDT, the knowledge-seeking, service-oriented 2020 Virgo new moon sets us on a path toward illuminated health and happiness.
Clean, green, and serene is the recipe for success as the 2020 Virgo new moon (the only one this year) shifts our focus toward salubrious systems. As the sign symbolized by the Virgin or Maiden carrying a shaft of wheat, Virgo is the zodiac's purist and green thumb. Think carefully about what seeds you want to plant during this earthy lunar lift. (And for best results, make sure they're heirloom quality and that the "soil" is organic.)
Industrious Virgo prizes efficiency—but not without a dose of earthy sensuality. Turn your "wax on, wax off" routines into luscious rituals. The little things make all the difference now! Here are seven ways to manifest the potent lunar potential of the 2020 Virgo new moon:
1. Go green.
Virgo is the zodiac's sustainable housekeeper, always looking to clean things up—but only in the purest, most nontoxic way. Since many of us will spend more time indoors now (working, schooling, distancing, and Zooming), do what you can to breathe easier. Did you know that the Environmental Protection Agency found indoor air1 can be as polluted at outdoor air? If you live in a busy, urban area, you might consider buying an air filter to remove allergens like dust, pollen, animal dander, and mold.
2. Be the change.
During these times of political unrest and social conflict, it's tempting to withdraw into solitude—but that's not what benevolent Virgo wants (or, for that matter, what humanity needs). As quintessential Virgo Mother Teresa said, "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." Those words have never mattered more. There's no shortage of great causes to contribute to—whether with time, money, or both. Studies show that contributing to your community makes you healthier and less stressed—so what are you waiting for?
3. Make self-care a ritual.
Virgo is the sign of sacred self-care, and this lunar lift can level up your nutrition and fitness regimen. If chatty Mercury, Virgo's ruler, balks at going it alone, recruit friends. Motivate each other along as accountability buddies—you can do daily or weekly check-ins or share results on the same app. If you're doing IRL hangouts, meet for weekend bike rides, or rent a cabin with your BFFs at a location with hiking trails.
Virgo is the sign that rules pets, and your commitment could be simply to take your dog (or a borrowed pup) for a long, mindful daily walk. If you keep a brisk pace, it's a great way to increase your heart rate and tap into some of the proven benefits of spending time with pets, like reducing stress and anxiety.
4. Learn to receive.
Yes, altruistic Virgo is all about selfless service and even sacrifice—but that doesn't mean you shouldn't make yourself a priority. The spirit of service doesn't just flow one way. The 2020 Virgo new moon reminds us to be receptive to the kindness and generosity of others. How often do you catch yourself saying, "I've got it handled," or "I'm good!" when you're actually overwhelmed and on the verge of a stress meltdown?
Under this new moon in humble, modest Virgo, be willing to wave the flag and admit that you could use a hand. You know how good it feels to be there for others, so stop worrying about being a "burden," and give friends and family the opportunity to be there for you in return.
5. Empty your cup.
Is there clutter in your head, too? Zen Buddhists tell the story of Nan-in, a Japanese master who poured tea into a visiting professor's cup until it was full—and then kept on pouring. When the professor protested that his cup was overflowing, Nan-in told him that, like the cup, the scholar's head was full of opinions that made it impossible to show him Zen. First, he had to empty his cup.
The point of this tale? A cluttered mind leaves no room for peace and enlightenment. How about a clean sweep in the name of serenity? This new moon is an ideal time for committing to an "emptying" practice, like meditation.
6. Be good to your gut.
Virgo rules the small intestines and the digestive system, so now is the perfect time to implement a few gut-healthy changes to your diet.
7. Practice anti-perfectionism at the 2020 Virgo new moon.
Virgo is the innocent newborn, the pure and unspoiled being that has no sense of inadequacy. Alas, that sense of wholeness seems to be the hardest state for humans to hang on to. While this new moon can help us purify in healthy ways—through our diets, our intentions, and the words we choose to use—it can be a slippery slope to perfectionism.
Brené Brown calls it armor or, "a 20-ton shield that we lug around thinking it will protect us when, in fact, it's the thing that's really preventing us from flight." The simple act of making a gratitude list is a great start toward overcoming your inner critic, and affirmations go a long way as well. You are exactly where you need to be, and you're doing exactly what you need to be doing. Now chill!