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How To Work With July's New Moon In Leo, According To Astrologers

Sarah Regan
July 28, 2022
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Graphic by mbg creative x HOWL / Stocksy
July 28, 2022

New moons are a great time for setting intentions and planting seeds, and in the case of this month's new moon in Leo, the name of the game is self-expression. Here's what to know about the astrology behind this new moon, plus how to tap into its energy, according to astrologers.

What to know about this new moon.

If there's anything to know about Leo, it's that this sign is bold, passionate, and super keen on self-expression. With the new moon landing in the sign of the lion this month (on Thursday, July 28, at 1:54 p.m. EDT, btw), those themes are going to be front and center.

"Leo season encourages us to be very expressive, and then specifically more so with the new moon being in Leo as well," explains astrology expert Imani Quinn. And as the Astrotwins explain to mbg, the moon will be trining Jupiter retrograde in Aries, which will further encourage you to speak your truth.

Quinn and the twins both note that Jupiter retrograde landing on the same day as the new moon is significant as well, highlighting the importance of taking stock in your progress and processes in order to plant the best seeds going forward.

All that said, here are some ways to tap into the energy of this potent new moon.

How to work with this energy.

Between the new moon and Jupiter going retrograde in Aries, we're gearing up for an amped-up week, and according to the twins, it's a good time to both slow down to analyze your progress (thanks to Jupiter's influence), as well as get clear on what you have to offer.

"The Leo new moon traffics in first impressions, which raises the question, how do you want to shine in the world? Do one thing to put your talents on display or draw attention to your gifts," they suggest in their weekly horoscope.

Quinn adds that in order to fully step into your power (which this new moon in Leo asks us all to do), you'll have to make space by clearing out old chapters.

She recommends doing a new moon candle ritual for manifestation, with the candle relating to Leo's fiery nature. "Tap into anything you're trying to bring in right now, but keep it open, not too specific, so there's room for the universe to play because this is a playful season," she says, adding that the stars are aligned for unexpected opportunities that could be even bigger than you imagined.

The takeaway.

Each new moon is an opportunity for us to start fresh and look ahead to what's to come, and this Leo new moon specifically inspires us to own our truth, step into our power with confidence, and shine brightly for all to see.

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