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How To Amp Up Your Self-Care Sunday Routine For Tonight's New Moon In Virgo

The AstroTwins
September 09, 2018
The AstroTwins
By The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
Photo by Shikhar Bhattarai
September 09, 2018

Back to life, back to reality: On Sunday, September 9, the year's only Virgo new moon puts us in a "back-to-school" head space. As the sign symbolized by the Virgin or Maiden carrying a shaft of wheat, Virgo is the zodiac's purist and green thumb. Seeds planted at the potency of this earthy lunation can be harvested in six months' time at the corresponding full moon in Virgo, which will arrive on February 19, 2019.

Efficient Virgo is the ruler of health, organization, daily work, and acts of service. Under the Virgo new moon we could all get more serious about self-care. Preventive medicine is the best kind of all: eating fresh greens, exercising regularly, and deploying stress-busting treatments like massage and acupuncture.

Virgo is the sign of selfless service.

Ready to add some new cachet to your resume? Analytical Virgo is ruled by messenger planet Mercury, which is traveling alongside the Virgo Sun until September 21—and helping us all become more meticulous and methodical during this systematic cycle. Look for growth opportunities within your company or sign up for specialized training that can bump you to a new pay grade. Want to make a difference in the world—or at least your corner of it? Virgo is the sign of selfless service. Seek volunteer opportunities where you can earn your Earth Angel halo and wings. But whatever you do, make sure you have a solid plan in place for how to actually accomplish it!

The Virgo new moon re-establishes our connection to all things practical, sensible, and stabilizing. Perfection-seeking Virgo is also one of the zodiac's three earth signs, urging us to renew our connection to nature and indulge in a hit of hippie-chic.

Here are a few ways to manifest the potent lunar potential of the Virgo new moon:

1. Cut the chemicals.

Radiant Virgo loves things clean, green, and pure as humanly possible. Take a moment to read the labels on everything from the food you ingest to the products you slather on your skin and use to scrub down your home. While it may be impossible to eliminate chemicals from our modern lives completely, there's at least one toxic product we could always swap out with something earth-friendly. Swap sugar and artificial sweeteners for natural substitutes like raw honey. Liven up your skin with a toxin-free sheet mask made with ingredients like kelp, fruit extracts, and bamboo.

2. Perform an act of selfless service.

Random acts of kindness are the Virgo way, leaving it as no surprise to us that Mother Teresa—the original "hugging saint"—was born under this zodiac sign. Wrap your head around the idea of helping someone without taking any credit for your good deed. Perform a good deed anonymously during the Virgo new moon: Make a charity donation using your smartphone, pay for the person behind you in the latte line (and slip off before they can thank you), or ship a gift to a friend and request brown paper packaging rather than plastic or Styrofoam. Don't underestimate the power of a small act of good karma, or convince yourself that you're incapable of giving something even bigger.

3. Socialize with exercise.

Sacred self-care is the domain of Virgo, so this is the perfect time to hit the "Go!" button on a nutrition or fitness plan. Since chatty Virgo is also ruled by communicative Mercury, get your entourage involved in your health quest. Instead of rallying friends for a boozy brunch (not that they aren't fun every now and again!), start a practice of CrossFit and kombucha dates. It's a lot easier to stick to your guns and find pleasure in life-affirming pursuits when you have some of your BFFs along for the ride.

4. Simplify and purify.

Let's face it, poor Virgo can sometimes get a bad rap: the stereotype that Virgos are pencil-pushing and protocol-enforcing tightwads. And while there may be a little truth to that, the zodiac's Virgin is also a master in the power of seduction. Beyoncé, Prince Harry, Idris Elba, and Blake Lively are but a few of the Virgos who have graced the planet with their sultry sex appeal.

Let's try a new and improved word for Virgo: the Purist. Virgo energy distills things down to their essence, pure and unfiltered. Virgo is green. Natural. Organic. Baby-faced. Unspoiled. Raw. A little bit closer to God. It's earth-based spirituality, plant medicine, the magic found in natural law. So use this Virgo new moon as your annual opportunity to purify. Where life has gotten complicated, simplify. Get back to basics. Act naturally. Restore order. Prioritize. Strip away what doesn't matter and make things sacred again.

5. Embrace a beginner's mindset.

The Buddhist philosophy of "beginner's mind" was made for overanalytical Virgo. The idea is to approach every person, experience, and action as if it's for the first time. That goes for your partner of 20 years, your job of 10 years, all the people and things you take for granted. (Do we detect a gratitude list coming on?)

Mercury-ruled Virgo evokes our tendency to talk, think, and #obsess. Yikes! Buddhist thought and mindfulness are all about quieting the "monkey chatter" and being in the moment. It's the antidote to Virgo's overcritical and perfectionistic shadow side.

And if all else fails, try this…

6. Hold a newborn baby or a furry little creature.

When Ophi's daughter was born almost eight years ago, the first visitors to rush to the hospital were our Virgo friends, some of whom we hadn't seen for months. And our magical Virgo friend Contessa god-mothered/dog-mothered Tali's tiny new dachshund puppy Lux in New York for two weeks until he was old enough to be allowed to travel on a plane. Funny enough, none of these women have kids of their own, but they're all enchanted by newborns—not to mention experts in soothing and swaddling. Our Virgo friends feel most identified with this newborn state, the fragility, fleetingness, and innocence of it all. The newborn state is the most Virgo-like, when all is pure, unspoiled, and utterly sacred. If someone you know has a new baby, visit and hold the little guy or girl (and she'll love you for it, trust us).

Caretaking Virgo is the sign that is associated with the nurturing of animals. Has the idea of adopting a furry, finned, or feathered critter been a recurring thought? Pop by the rescue shelter or let those pleading eyes in the window lure you into the pet store for a snuggle. There's a good chance you won't be heading home alone.

7. Add one new healthy habit to your daily regimen.

Bike to the market instead of driving, or find a trail (urban or woodsy) and go for a spin after a long day at the office. Buy yourself flowers as a ritual every Friday. Wear shoes that actually support your feet, and take a long solo stroll on a Sunday afternoon. Virgo rules the intestines and digestive system, which makes this new moon perfect for improving your gut health. Probiotics, anyone? Or, improve your mental health by making sure you get an adequate amount of sleep each night (harder than it sounds for many in these stressed-out times!). Feeling adventurous? Swig a collagen-boosting smoothie, a newer trend that will help you get glowing skin and healthy bones.

They say it takes around three weeks to develop a steady new habit, so use the supercharged energy of the Virgo new moon to jump-start your path toward well-being.

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