These 3 Zodiac Signs Are The Most Likely To Be Nerdy — Not That They Care

The 12 signs of the zodiac are each unique, and that includes how likely they are to be nerdy. Distinct from being bookish or smart, to be "nerdy" is to get really excited or enthusiastic about your niche interests.
Of course, someone's sign never guarantees whether they'll be nerdy, but don't be surprised if the following three signs start spouting off about their latest obsession.
P.S.: Be sure to check your sun and rising signs.
No one does nerdy quite like Aquarius, who comes in at No. 1 as the nerdiest zodiac sign. Their uniqueness is the most fundamental thing about them, and all of their niche interests are like badges of honor that they're happy to talk about.
Whether they're organizing the next game night or going to a nationwide convention, Aquarius feeds off of pouring themselves into what they're passionate about.
The second nerdiest zodiac sign is none other than hardworking Capricorn. For these folks, they just have to be the best for some reason (*cough* Saturn). This translates to their nerdy niche interests, whether that's collector's items, random trivia, or merchandise.
You can bet they have it all, and where Aquarius wants to share out of genuine excitement, Capricorn tends to steamroll and assert themselves as the expert. What can they say? That's just how their brains work.
Finally, we have Aries as the third nerdiest sign of the zodiac. As the first sign of the astrological year, Aries folks are born with a natural enthusiasm and zest for life that makes being nerdy all too easy. Everything excites them, and they're not afraid to show it.
Not to mention, they're the ones to impulsively splurge on a trip to a convention, tickets to a midnight release, or an absurd amount of merchandise. When an Aries decides to go all-in, they're not holding back.
The takeaway
Of course, all the zodiac signs have the capacity to be nerdy in their own ways. We each have our special interests that make us tick, but if you had to pick the nerdiest person out of a group, don't be surprised if they're an Aquarius, Capricorn, or Aries.