6 Myths About Manifesting You Need To Stop Believing

The idea of manifestation is quite alluring since it hits right on what most of us want: to create our dream lives. Manifesting involves intentionally bringing ideas and thoughts into physical form—but there's more to it than you might think.
What manifestation is
At its core, manifestation involves first getting crystal clear on what you're working to create and working to remove, or at least minimize. Intuition is a huge part of the process because it allows you to transcend limited ideas and beliefs and provides powerful guidance on what steps to take in your manifesting journey.
Manifesting isn't woo-woo; it is a process that can be taught. Tools like affirmations, mantras, visualization, and guided meditations will help you focus your energy on manifestation, but ultimately it's up to you to take inspired action. Yes, you must take action steps in order to manifest your goals!
We are all limited in our power when we think and act from the ego. Small thinking creates small results. But when we expand our goals to reach beyond ourselves and benefit the collective, we expand the field in which we are creating, and we can also greatly expand our results.
What manifestation isn't
There is a lot of manifestation misinformation floating around that can be confusing and even downright strange. It can also cause frustration when one is trying to manifest something into reality. Here are a few I hear all the time as a spiritual teacher:
Myth 1: Manifesting makes things just come to you
Not true. Wishing for things is just that: a happy wish. Manifesting is about aligning your intentions with your thoughts, words, and actions. Introspection and journaling are important to help you get really clear at the beginning of the process.
Myth 2: You can manifest whatever you want
Not necessarily. There is individual will, but there is also The Way, as it is referred to in the fundamental Taoism text Tao Te Ching.
There are things out of our control, and the Universe, Source, Higher Power, Divine Intelligence, or however you like to conceptualize it, has a far bigger plan that extends beyond our seeing or understanding.
This doesn't mean that you can't create incredible things, because you absolutely can. But it does mean that you want to align your will with Universal will, by making sure that it is of benefit to the whole. When you are working to benefit others beyond yourself, you will have more supported energy and inspiration behind you to fuel your inspired action.
An example is simply wanting to manifest losing 10 pounds. That's great, and the very real goal of millions of people. However, if you shift to expand your goal to something like, "I intend to lose 10 pounds so I can feel lighter and more energized, to help serve others more in my work," you can feel the difference in those intentions energetically.
Myth 3: Affirmations really work
Yes and no. If you simply say things like "I have tripled my salary!" with no focus, or even letting your mind wander, then you are just rattling off words. However, if you learn an effective way of practicing affirmations, you can direct the power of your words to then direct your actions.
The great yoga guru Paramahansa Yogananda taught at length about properly practicing affirmations by merging with the energy behind the words, first saying them out loud and then silently. His method has inspired the affirmation method that I teach in the Manifesting Your Goal Kit, as there is great power in sincere words spoken with great conviction.
I also recommend practicing affirmations after meditating, when the mind and thoughts are more quiet, for maximum effectiveness.
Myth 4: Manifesting is woo-woo
Nope. Everything is energy, which is well proven by science, and everything is interconnected, as theorized by quantum physics. Manifesting is simply a way to work with energy, which is directed by our own intentions and will.
Myth 5: Some people are "manifestors" and some aren't
False. We are all powerful creators, and we can all tap into our creative power. This is a truth whether we recognize it or not. We all have the potential to create.
Myth 6: It takes a long time to manifest something
There's no timetable here. Manifestation is nonlinear. Stay the course, keep doing your effective affirmations, visualizing, and feeling grateful. It's important to stay patient and not allow doubt to creep in over time, which will derail the whole process.