My Silent Suffering At 40 Was Due To This — It Took Multiple MDs To Figure Out

In my 30s, life was pretty great. I was happy and healthy and owned a successful fitness center franchise with my husband. We followed the "eat right and exercise" paradigm of well-being, and so far it had served me well.
But after having my fourth child at the age of 40, with multiple miscarriages prior to that, my health began to dramatically change for the worse.
The symptoms started to add up
That first year after having my youngest child, it felt like my life was unraveling. Sure, I'd just had a baby and I was "older" than many postpartum mothers, but it was truly so much more than that.
Fatigue and brain fog took over my days, but at night I was having a terrible time getting good sleep. My husband would say I was haunting the house because I would just walk around when I couldn't sleep. I was also incredibly depressed despite having many forms of support in my life, and I had zero energy. At this point, I was 20 pounds overweight and didn't recognize myself or feel good about the path I was heading down. I wasn't showing up for my family the way I wanted to, but I was also so drained it was hard to focus on what needed to be done.
I decided I needed to do something, so I started going back to the gym with a trainer and seeing a nutritionist. I thought if I could just look better, I would feel better, as many of us do. We think if we can make things appear fine, they will be fine, but I learned the hard way just how untrue that is.
Nothing helped my weight, and my depression only sunk me further down. I think women especially get used to living in a depleted state, and that's where I was—a mom of four, doing my best to manage my family and get through the day. Add to that that the things I was doing to try to help myself weren't working, and it was just so demoralizing. I was trying to free myself without any progress.
At this point, in addition to all the other symptoms, my hair and eyebrows were dramatically thinning, and my skin looked puffy and inflamed. I had constant digestive issues that I couldn't pinpoint. I was also experiencing vaginal dryness. It was all too confusing, too much to piece together, and my normal healthy lifestyle hacks weren't cutting it. I finally went to see the doctor.
Dismissed & discouraged
I went into my first doctor's appointment feeling hopeful, like this could give me some answers and get me heading in a better direction. Instead of hope, I received a lack of compassion and an extremely outdated point of view in the way of "This is just the woman's body in decline; this is what happens with age." The only recommendation I was given was to start an anxiety medication; that was it. So I went to another doctor.
At my second doctor's appointment, I had a fire lit within me to advocate for myself. I knew I needed more support, but again I was left empty-handed. This doctor was exactly the same, saying women just go downhill after they turn 40. I was upset, to say the least, but I wasn't about to give up.
Finally finding answers
I found a third doctor, an obstetrician, and he was the first one who ever mentioned hormone testing and bloodwork to me. I finally had a starting point, a sliver of hope to get real answers about my body. It turns out I had zero estrogen and zero testosterone, both of which aligned with my symptoms and were rare for someone of my age. I was experiencing early menopause and had no idea.
Having too few hormones can actually be a risk factor for certain cancers, so as a precaution, my doctor recommended a pelvic ultrasound and mammogram. Everything looked good, so he felt I was an excellent candidate for hormone replacement therapy, and I was game to try. I can now say that was one of the best decisions of my life—within two weeks I was the person I had been missing. My brain fog lifted; I started sleeping; my energy increased; my mood was upbeat. I felt joyful and I was a more patient mother and wife, more like the person I knew I could be.
In the two months that followed, I easily lost 18 pounds and my digestive symptoms resolved. The puffiness and inflammation I was experiencing in my skin disappeared, and my hair started to grow thicker. Thanks to the welcome energy boost, I was able to commit to a regular Pilates routine and the testosterone improved my ability to gain lean muscle mass. With more energy, I had more motivation to really home in on my diet. Not only did I have my life back, but I was feeling better than ever. I felt confident.
My new normal
Now, at 51, I feel vibrant, fit, and dare I say even excited about aging. Hormone replacement therapy truly changed my life after my completely unexpected run-in with early menopause. I was fortunate to have a doctor who was informed and up to date with the research, who did regular testing to stay on top of my dosages. I continue to track my hormones and take hormone replacement therapy to this day.
This experience was so truly eye-opening not only to me but also to my husband that we went on to found the first Serotonin Anti-Aging Center, which has now become a national franchise. We help our clients focus on the four cornerstones of hormone restoration: weight control, immune recovery, and aesthetics, for a well-rounded approach to enjoying longevity.
It's been a privilege to shepherd other women into well-being at all ages and help them through some of the same struggles that temporarily stole my vitality. If I could say one thing to women, it would be don't give up on yourself—there are answers and support out there; you just have to look in the right places.

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I Fall Asleep Within 5 Minutes When I Follow This Simple Routine
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