Which Zodiac Signs Talk The Most? These 3 Are Certified Yappers

All 12 signs of the zodiac have their own unique traits, strengths, and weaknesses. Some are more quiet and reserved, for instance, while others truly have the gift of gab.
Of course, someone's sign is never a guarantee they'll talk your ear off, but the following three signs do have a reputation for being more talkative than most.
And P.S. This would apply to anyone who has any of the following as their sun sign, rising sign, or even Mercury sign, which influences the way we think and communicate.
The most talkative sign of them all is...drumroll please...Gemini! And if you have a Gemini pal or two, you likely figured they'd be at the top of this list.
Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and information, Geminis' minds are constantly whirring with data they're just dying to share. They can't help it that they talk so much—they need to get it out of their head!
Of course, if you like having chatty friends, being talkative isn't necessarily a bad thing. Your Gemini pals will be chock full of hilarious jokes, fun facts, and conversation to last for hours.
The second most talkative sign is none other than bold and brash Sagittarius. So not only are they the second most talkative, but let's be honest, they're probably the most likely to put their foot in their mouth.
Sagittarius folks have a wicked sense of humor, but they don't exactly excel at thinking before they speak. If you can match that sense of humor and roll with the punches, you'll be cracking jokes right along with them. If not, Sag can definitely rub more sensitive types wrong.
Ultimately, these folks are excitable and energetic, and they like talking about big ideas, philosophy, and other deep topics. They can definitely go on for hours if you let them.
Last but not least, we have Aries coming in as the third most chatty zodiac sign. And as the first sign of the astrological year, Aries has a certain childlike energy that makes them equally as chatty as they are impsulive.
Similar to Sag, Aries don't typically think before they speak. They're opinionated, loud, and won't think twice about saying the wrong thing because they honestly just don't care.
Aries folks communicate directly and with speed, jumping between topics and moving on to the next thing before you digested what they said last. If you can keep up, chatting with an Aries is sure to be entertaining.
The takeaway
It's worth noting again that every zodiac sign has the capacity to be talkative—and other factors in your birth chart could influence how much (or how little) you verbalize your thoughts. That said, in terms of which zodiac signs are most likely to be certified yappers, look no further than Gemini, Sagittarius, and Aries.