The Most Stubborn Zodiac Signs (& The Least) Ranked From 1 To 12

The 12 signs of the zodiac all have their different strengths, weaknesses, and personality traits. But in terms of being the most stubborn, which one takes the cake?
Here are the most stubborn zodiac signs, ranked from most to least stubborn.
Coming in at number one, we have none other than Taurus. This may come as no surprise, with Taureans' reputation for stubbornness preceding them. But what makes them so stubborn? It all comes down to the combination of their element and modality.
The fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) are already considered the most rigid signs in terms of their willingness to compromise, and as the only fixed-earth sign, Taurus literally puts the "bull" in "bullheaded."
Tauruses are grounded, stabilizing, and secure at their best. But this quality can easily lend itself to being unmovable, uncompromising, and, you guessed it, stubborn. Taureans are also one of the most—if not the most—value driven of the signs. They know what they want and what they believe in, and they're unlikely to back down on it.
Next up we have Leo, the proud lion of the zodiac. As the only sign ruled by the sun, it's no wonder Leo tends to think the world revolves around them. Don't underestimate this sign's ego; it can run on the larger side, and thus these folks rarely recognize when they're in the wrong.
Like Taurus, Leo is a fixed sign, so they can have a hard time understanding or accepting other people's plans, ideas, and perspectives, let alone admitting to it!
And speaking of admittance, Leos are also exceedingly loyal, which can be a beautiful thing—but not if their loyalties lie in the wrong places and they won't admit it to themselves.
Capricorn may not be a fixed sign, but they are ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline and hard work. In other words? They're not budging when it comes to going after what they want.
They're actually a cardinal sign, meaning they tend to get the ball rolling and focus on taking the lead. Represented by the sea goat, Capricorns have the diligence to swim to the deepest depths and climb the highest heights (metaphorically, of course). In other words, they know what they're doing on the road to success, and they're not letting anything stand in their way.
They're likely to be most stubborn about their career pursuits; Anything less than the best isn't good enough for them, and that's not changing anytime soon.
Just because Aquarius is a quirky and ethereal sign doesn't mean they're not stubborn; They are a fixed sign, after all. In fact, as the AstroTwins previously told mindbodygreen, "Aquarians can be very free-spirited, but they also have a type-A side that comes from the fixity of their chart."
Aquarians like to run the show in the sense that they have no problem being in charge. They can make excellent leaders, as independent people with visionary quality to them, but they can have a bit of an ego problem, thinking themselves wiser than everybody else.
The irony is, Aquarius is wise and generally avant-garde, but stubbornness doesn't always get them as far as they'd like. They're just ahead of their time!
The last of the fixed signs on this list is Scorpio. Like all the other fixed signs, Scorpio's tendency toward being uncompromising is part of their astrological makeup, but as an intuitive water sign, it's a bit easier for them to appreciate other POVs than, say, a Leo.
Nevertheless, Scorpios do tend to be scrutinizing, with trust issues and intense emotions under the surface. For Scorpio, their stubbornness comes from playing their cards close to their chest and believing they can only depend on themselves.
Similar to Taurus, Scorpio is always extremely unmovable when it comes to its value system. Change feels threatening for these guarded folks, and they prefer to stay in the realm of known safety.
Up next is Aries, which happens to be the very first sign of the astrological year. Almost like a toddler who wants one thing and one thing only, Aries knows what it wants and isn't afraid to get it. And considering they're ruled by Mars, the planet of war and aggression, it's best to stay out of their way.
These folks are known to be temperamental, hot-headed, and, let's be honest, a bit selfish. While stubborn might not be the exact word to describe their strong-willed personality, it can certainly come off that way to others.
At the end of the day, Aries just wants to do what they want, no questions asked. If you do question them? Prepare to witness the wrath of the ram.
We've made it halfway through the list, with the signs from here on out getting increasingly less stubborn. Right around the middle mark, we have Virgo. While not as stubborn as the fixed signs but not at all passive, Virgo can be hit-or-miss on the stubbornness spectrum.
They're a mutable sign, which means they tend to be adaptable and open-minded, but they are also known for their critical (and sometimes judgmental) minds. If you're going to get them to see a new perspective or change their mind, you better be able to back it up with numbers, logic, and proof.
These perfectionists have a way of thinking they know best, and while they're not averse to hearing different positions, they'll probably need convincing that it's better than theirs.
Sagittarius is known for its spontaneous, free-spirited approach to life. They're ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and are also a mutable sign, prioritizing change, adventure, and knowledge-seeking.
Stubbornness isn't their usual M.O. unless they feel like they're compromising their own independence. These folks want to feel free, with no restraints holding them back. As long as you're not impeding on that, they're down for anything!
In fact, embracing new perspectives and ideas is part of what makes a Sag a Sag. For them, they don't relate their ideas and plans to their own self image—they prefer to keep their options (and minds) open.
Cancer is a cardinal water sign, known for being sensitive, nurturing, and intuitive. They're not likely to be stubborn because they care about the well-being of those they are closest to, preferring to offer their bottomless well of support.
However, they do place high importance on emotional security and upholding certain routines and traditions. Rocking the boat of their sweet-tempered waters can cause them to double down on what makes them feel secure.
If they're being stubborn, it's likely deeper than the actual issue at hand. For example, if you want to try a new restaurant, their sentimental spirit may incline them to go for what's known and trusted. But even then, they may fold out of respect for your wishes, because that's just how much they care.
When it comes to stubbornness, Gemini does not quickly come to mind. These people may be known for being "two-faced," but that's a result of their adaptability to all kinds of people, ideas, and scenarios. This doesn't result in stubbornness but rather an open-mindedness that makes Gemini perfectly content with learning new things.
Not only are they mutable, but they're also an air sign with intellectual, logical, and analytical minds. Where some signs take it personally if you disagree, Gemini is genuinely curious to hear how you both arrived at different conclusions. It's all knowledge to them!
If they are being stubborn, however, it may be due to their logical nature. When emotions are running high, they prefer to stay in the realm of rationality, and may not take emotional reactions as seriously.
Approaching the bottom of the list, we have Pisces coming in as the second least stubborn. These dreamy, intuitive folks are also a mutable sign, so the combination of mutable water makes them very sensitive to other people. They'd rather go with the flow than ruffle any feathers (or even stand up for themselves.)
Pisces is known for being adaptable, for better or worse. In fact, sometimes they're so adaptable they may not even know what they truly want.
For this reason, some people say Pisces are naive and easily manipulated. Unfortunately for Pisces, this can be true if they don't hold their own boundaries. All that to say, stubbornness doesn't come naturally to them.
Last on the list—and the least stubborn zodiac sign of them all—is Libra. As the most relationship-oriented sign, Libras are often even considered people-pleasers; They'll easily fold in an argument in order to keep the peace, rather than being stubborn.
They are ruled by Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, after all. When everyone else is digging their heels in and arguing until they're blue in the face, Libra wonders why they can't all just get along!
Libras do, however, have a particular penchant for justice and sticking up for the underdog. If they're being stubborn, they're likely defending someone, or some cause, they truly believe in.
The takeaway
Stubbornness comes more naturally to some than others, and their zodiac sign is likely at play. Of course, there's always nuance when it comes to people's entire birth charts, but generally speaking, it's a safe bet that your Taurus and Leo pals are going to be way more stubborn than the Pisces and Libras in your life.