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Watch Out: These 3 Zodiac Signs Are The Most Judgmental Of Them All

Sarah Regan
February 07, 2025
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Woman talking to friends
Image by Stocksy | Lucas Ottone
February 07, 2025

The 12 signs of the zodiac are each unique, and that includes how well they're able to tolerate other people's differences. Some signs are more understanding and easygoing, for instance, while others can't help their quick impulse to judge.

Of course, someone's sign isn't a guarantee they'll be judgmental, but let's just say the following three signs have a reputation for being a bit critical.

P.S. This would apply to anyone with the following as their sun and/or rising sign, as well as their Mercury sign, which influences the way we think and communicate:



The most judgmental sign of them all is none other than perfectionist Virgo, and if you've ever been dissed by the fair maiden of the zodiac, you're probably not surprised to see them on this list.

Virgo is a sign that's literally associated with critical thinking, precision, and being detail-oriented. They have the highest standards of any sign, but that means it's that much harder for everyone else to measure up.

And try as they might to be civil and polite, a Virgo just can't hold back when they know they have the facts and receipts to back up their POV. They really believe they're correct, so if they see someone else as incorrect, you better believe they're judging.



The second most judgmental sign is a nonserious and structured Capricorn. A fellow earth sign, like Virgo, Capricorn values material results and places high importance on success. Their standards are nearly as high as Virgo's, which can easily translate to judging others.

Capricorn is also one of the more stubborn signs, which can be a double-edged sword. Sure, it empowers them to stand their ground on what they care about, but it also makes them resistant to alternative viewpoints or new directions.

Capricorns' unwavering commitment to their high standards can result in them being overcritical—of others and themselves.



And finally, the third most likely sign to be judgmental is aloof and quirky Aquarius. As an air sign associated with progressivism, humanity, radical change, and revolution, Aquarians are some of the most unique people in the zodiac.

While their independent and innovative nature definitely makes them stand out in a crowd, it can also give them somewhat of a superiority complex, feeling like they're too far ahead of everyone else. Aquarians might see themselves as saviors, for instance—and everyone else as fools that need saving.

They can't help it that they're so ahead of their time, but when other people can't keep up, they do tend to get judgmental.

The takeaway

It's worth noting again that every zodiac sign has the capacity to be judgmental. Plus, the mature and evolved Virgos, Caps, and Aquarians out there will have learned to hold their tongue. Nevertheless, in terms of which zodiac signs are most likely to judge (silently or not), you can typically count on Virgo, Capricorn, and Aquarius.

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