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Which Zodiac Signs Are The Hardest To Understand? These 3 Are Super Complicated

Sarah Regan
February 09, 2025
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Image by Kayla Johnson / Stocksy
February 09, 2025

The 12 signs of the zodiac all have their own telltale qualities, personality traits, and temperaments. Some signs are more straightforward or cut-and-dried, if you will, while others are more complicated and difficult to understand.

Of course, someone's sign isn't a guarantee they'll be the most complex person you've ever met, but the following three signs do have a reputation for being a bit enigmatic.

And P.S.: This would apply to anyone with any of the following signs as their sun, moon, and/or rising sign.



If you've ever tried to understand a Scorpio, it should come as no surprise that they take the No. 1 spot on our list. A fixed water sign ruled by Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, "mystery" is a big part of what makes a Scorpio, well, a Scorpio.

They're the researchers of the zodiac, constantly digging down to the root of things for a fuller understanding. But even if they do figure something out, that doesn't mean they'll open up about it.

Where some signs wear their hearts on their sleeve, Scorpio plays their cards close to their chest. They're secretive, skeptical, and incredibly deep. Highly sensitive and intuitive, other signs can't even begin to imagine the depths Scorpio contains within themselves, and this makes them hard to understand, indeed.



The second most complicated sign in the zodiac is none other than social and loquacious Gemini—and for totally different reasons than Scorpio. Where Scorpio is secretive and mysterious, Gemini is an open book who will talk with you for hours.

But the more you talk with them, the more you'll realize you don't really know them at all. That's because Gemini is, in a sense, unknowable. A mutable air sign represented by a dynamic duo—the twins—Gemini is constantly changing.

They get a reputation for being "two-faced" for this reason, but that's only a natural response to processing so much information all the time. Not only are their personalities adaptable, but so are their thoughts and beliefs, which results in a complicated person who is always making little changes.



And finally, the third most complicated sign in the zodiac is eccentric and innovative Aquarius. As an air sign associated with radical change and revolution, Aquarians are some of the most unique people in the zodiac—and that means everyone else finds them hard to understand.

Indeed, it's not easy being so ahead of their time. Aquarians have great ideas and want to push humanity forward, but they end up getting frustrated when no one else is on the same page as them.

Not to mention, these folks are aloof on top of it all, so don't be surprised if they squash your most earnest attempts to get to know them. That's just the Aquarian way.

The takeaway

It's worth noting again that someone's sign never guarantees how they'll turn out—plus every zodiac sign has the capacity to be complicated. That said, in terms of which zodiac signs are most likely to confuse everyone else, you can safely bet on Scorpio, Gemini, and Aquarius.

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