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A 15-Minute Morning Meditation To Start Your Day With Intention

Sah D’Simone
March 08, 2020
Sah D’Simone
Meditation Teacher
By Sah D’Simone
Meditation Teacher
Sah D’Simone is a spiritual revolutionary, artist, and the internationally bestselling author of Spiritually Sassy.
Woman Listening To Music Near Bed
Image by Milles Studio / Stocksy
March 08, 2020

If you're just waking up, first let me say good morning. I'm honored to offer you this morning meditation, to help make sure we're prepared for a wonderful day ahead. And since daylight saving time begins this weekend and we're all down one hour of sleep, what better time to wake up slow, tune in, and set your intention.

In this 15-minute practice, we're going to stimulate wakefulness while staying relaxed. You'll also work with an intention of your choice, so you can attract whatever it is you may be hoping to receive today.

Through the use of straw breath, we'll relax our nervous system to ensure we start the day in a calm and grounded state of mind, with open hearts. We'll also use the practice of "mental noting" or "labeling," which involves labeling each thought as pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral. I'll explain how it works, but here's a good rundown on mental noting if you want to learn more.

So without further ado, get comfortable (though you likely already are), and let's begin.

Hopefully you're now feeling awake, calm, and excited for the day begin.

Now that you've given your mind a chance to wake up and your intention for the day is set, consider doing some yoga to wake up the body, or journaling, to further tap into how you're feeling. And as always, thanks for taking the time to show up for yourself this morning; I truly hope it contributes to a great day ahead.

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