September 2022 Monthly Horoscope: What Astrologers Want You To Know

Back to school…or back to something else? Whatever it is, the direction is a definitive U-turn this September, as six planets will be retrograde by the second weekend of the month.
Five of them are the slow-moving outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. In all fairness, they spent one-third to half of the year in this reflective position, which doesn't necessarily mess with the day-to-day machinations of our lives. If anything, outer planet retrogrades are a chance to recalibrate and course correct. We could all use that sometimes.
The tricky one is Mercury, the planet of communication, technology, and travel, which turns retrograde from September 9 until October 2.
The first two weeks of Mercury's backspin will be in Libra, which can disrupt the harmony of relationships or even bring an ex back into the picture.
Did you sign a bad contract, or are you considering inking a new one? Mercury retrograde in Libra is a time to negotiate (or renegotiate).
On a personal level, peacemaker Libra can help you settle a long-standing conflict. Maybe you just need to be the first one to say "I'm sorry"?
On September 23, Mercury will back into Virgo for the duration of its retrograde. Weirdly enough, Mercury is retrograde in Libra during Virgo season…then retrograde in Virgo during Libra season (which starts on September 22). If everyone on the planet, including you, is a persnickety pain in the butt, don't say we didn't warn you.
And make sure to proactively back up your data and devices ahead of this time so you don't lose important information.
Let's talk about those other retrogrades, even if they're not as sensational.
Jupiter is backing through solo-star Aries, telling us to slow down and be better team players. Saturn's retrograde in Aquarius, the sign of teamwork and society, is pushing for improved boundaries with friends and colleagues during "back to school" time.
Uranus just did an about-face in Taurus on August 24, which could bring more economic stability, while Neptune is backstroking through the Pisces oceans and disrupting our dreams with harsh reality checks.
Last on the roll call is calculating Pluto, who's retrograde in Capricorn and stirring up power struggles or making leadership go AWOL, so we're forced to find the voice of authority within ourselves. Back-to-school season has lots of lessons, kids.
The other big news is that Mars, the planet of drive and action, is making an extended visit to Gemini, from August 20, 2022, until March 25, 2023.
Typically Mars stays in each sign for six to eight weeks, but due to a retrograde (yep) starting October 30, we get the red planet in this wordy, heady sign for seven months. Start downloading podcasts and sharpening your wits.
In intellectual Gemini, Mars doesn't tolerate voluntary ignorance. That said, you can (and should) deliver your brilliant ideas in an original package. This September, cleverness is a commodity! Just go the extra mile to be tactful while truthful, since Mercury retrograde could also leave you feeling wildly misunderstood.