Your December 2023 Horoscope Is Anything But Smooth-Sailing — But The Year Ends On A High

Slow down that sleigh! The first half of December is off to a roaring start as both the Sun and energizer Mars race through supersizer Sagittarius. Everything seems to be moving at warp speed, which could leave many people feeling dysregulated as 2023 gets ready to recede into the rearview. Here's what's happening in the stars.
Neptune goes direct in Pisces on December 6
What's next in the year to come? That question has required deep contemplation for the past few months, and even that hasn't necessarily yielded much clarity. But after December 6, answers start coming into focus as tuned-in Neptune ends a long retrograde in its home turf of compassionate, dreamy Pisces.
During this period of soul-searching, you may have come to enlightening realizations about yourself, your desires, and your relationships. Your December 2023 horoscope encourages you to start putting those divine downloads into action.
Pro tip: That doesn't mean you should stop the daydreams. Quite the opposite! Neptune is a master at manifestation.
Brace for the final Mercury retrograde of the year
Do you hear what I hear? Absolutely not. Blame it on the static of Mercury retrograde, which begins December 13 and jams up the signals until New Year's Day.
With chaos and miscommunications rippling through the rest of 2023, leave absolutely nothing up to chance with holiday plans. While Mercury's backing up through Capricorn until December 23, set up an online hub with addresses, timelines, and dishes and drinks everyone should bring to the celebration. (And plan on sending about five follow-up texts.)
If you're jetting off to ring in the occasion, double-check your luggage to make sure you've got the essentials—not to mention an extra phone charger. Delays will be likely, especially when Mercury backs into travel sign Sagittarius on the 23rd.
Speaking of, choose your fellow partygoers carefully. One divisive debater can ruin everything, and with Mercury in outspoken, global Sag, you're not wrong for already dreading holiday dinner table conversations. It will take strong boundaries—and maybe a really good seating chart—if you don't want polarizing politics to fragment your family.
The Sagittarius new moon pushes us to think big
On December 12, the year's only new moon in visionary Sagittarius nudges you out of the safety zone. Get ready for a bold entry into uncharted terrain or to take a supersized leap of faith.
Got the urge to travel? Even if your journey happens next year, don't shy away from pressing "book now" on a great bucket-list destination deal. With courageous Mars mashing up with la luna, you're feeling especially bold and ready to risk big. Multiply your adventurous and horizon-expanding ideas by (at least) 10.
But make sure you've got a backup plan since you could be tempted to gamble. Need some extra motivation? Think about the people you'll help and inspire as a role model.
As healing Chiron breezes by the new moon in a supportive trine, do it for the people who didn't get a chance—or those who might believe they can when you lead by example. Just keep one toe planted on terra firma, as a square from fanciful Neptune doesn't exactly scream "practical" when it comes to your exciting plans.
The year's last full moon lands in cozy Cancer
On Christmas, the moon is in talkative Gemini. At its best, Gemini can spark productive dialogue; at worst, people will be playing devil's advocate and have endless appetites for debate.
Then, the day after Christmas, the quiet and comfort of 2023's second Cancer full moon brings a much-need moment to chill. With the warm fuzzies in high gear, use this day to catch up with close friends and trade notes on your holiday celebrations.
Emotions will be close to the surface, so don't be surprised if a sentimental exchange brings on the waterworks. Or maybe you just need a long winter's nap after all the holly jolly hoopla. Ease into your cozy space, or spend some time feathering your nest to turn it back into a sanctuary (not a gift-wrapping station).
Since this full moon gets a boost from systematic Saturn, get ready to make some adult decisions in your personal life too. A relative might need extra support in the weeks ahead, or you may need to fund some repair work. And if you're feeling taxed, don't forget that the "lean on me" thing goes both ways.
The wounded healer goes direct in Aries on December 26
While Chiron wheeled backward through Aries, passive-aggressive barbs and sneering put-downs may have been people's best defense. Now that Chiron's back in forward motion, be wary of the fine line between assertiveness and aggression.
Chiron also has incredible healing powers, so unlock its key potential (seriously, the symbol for this asteroid is a key) and turn anger into purpose and passion.
Jupiter's forward movement ends the year on a high note
The year ends with a bright 2024 astrology outlook: On December 30, auspicious Jupiter ends a retrograde slowdown that began on September 4.
As the planet of expansion powers forward in tactile and tenacious Taurus, a sustainable and profitable idea could pick up speed. If a work project has drifted from its original mission or purpose, you'll be able to come together again.
It will be easy to prioritize without getting scattered or limiting the potential of an idea now. That's something worth popping the bubbly for—and with hedonistic Jupiter in luxe-loving Taurus, spring for a vintage bottle!
By the time New Year's Eve rolls around, you might just be ready for some calm instead of calamity. The sensible Virgo moon that ushers us across the threshold into 2024 has exactly that in mind.
Happy, healthy New Year!