Everything You Should Know Before Buying Your First Piece Of Moldavite

Whether you're a crystal fanatic or simply frequent TikTok, you may have noticed moldavite has been getting its fair share of attention lately—and not all of it has been positive. Here, experts weigh in on this gorgeous glass and whether it's as "cursed" as the internet claims or worth a spot in your collection.
History of moldavite.
While referred to as a crystal, moldavite is technically a type of glass. It's green with a typically matte finish, and as Ashley Leavy, founder and educational director of the Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy, explains to mbg, it's believed to have been formed by a meteorite that hit Earth around 15 million years ago. Since it was formed by a meteorite, she adds, there's a limited supply available today.
According to Yulia Van Doren, author of Crystals: The Modern Guide to Crystal Healing and founder of Goldirocks, moldavite "hands-down" has tons of mystique attached to it. "These small chunks of space glass are renowned for having extremely intense vibes, as well as an uncanny ability to mysteriously disappear and reappear at will," she notes.
As far as the lore around it, Leavy notes there's a theory that moldavite may be the stone that was embedded in the Holy Grail. "There's controversy back and forth on what the Holy Grail actually is, but there are some people who think it was a physical cup with a stone in it—and some think it was moldavite."
This crystal is known for its ability to incite change, personal growth and transformation, and a heightened sense of awareness. "Many people report experiencing their first physical reaction to crystals upon touching a piece of moldavite: heart-opening, whole-body, lightheaded tingles," Van Doren says.
Why is it so popular all of a sudden?
With #moldavite videos on TikTok garnering over 450 million views, this crystal is seeing a major surge in interest—though Leavy notes it's been building in popularity over the last decade.
Nevertheless, TikTok users are now sharing some crazy tales that suggest moldavite is a cursed crystal. Shortly after receiving one, some people are reporting totaled cars, breakups, deaths in the family, and so much more. However, others are claiming it's brought positives—new friends, new jobs, spiritual growth, etc.—into their lives.
Reviews are mixed, but the bad reviews are enough to make anyone think twice before buying their own moldavite.
Should you use it?
Both Leavy and Van Doren agree that you don't need to be afraid of moldavite, or any crystal for that matter. So no, it's not cursed!
As Van Doren explains, "A crystal is an energetic tool which works together with your own energy and intentions, so believing that a crystal is 'cursed' and therefore will 'curse you' is giving the crystal far too much power (and giving yourself far too little power)."
Leavy echoes this, adding, "Anytime we turn our power over to something else, it can be quite dangerous." That said, if you do want to give moldavite a try, Van Doren notes it does have a way of working quickly and accelerating necessary changes in your life.
"Change is often hard and scary, even when it's the absolute best thing for you in the long term. This is the energy of Moldavite: very powerful, potentially overwhelming, but always for the best," she says.
Buying tips.
Just FYI, moldavite is on the pricier side compared to other crystals on the market today, and that's because it's both rare and popular, according to Van Doren. And thanks to this rarity, fakes are all too common. Fake moldavite is simply green glass that has been shaped to mimic moldavite's distinctive texture, she explains.
Leavy notes it's always a good idea to do your research before buying a crystal, both on how to spot fakes, as well as where you're purchasing it from. "If a moldavite piece is very glassy or shiny looking, where it almost looks kind of wet on the surface, then it's likely a fake," she adds.
The best way to ensure moldavite is real is to purchase from a seller you trust, Van Doren notes, and it's worth it to get the real stuff—even if it's more expensive.
And as far as sustainability goes, Leavy says many of the concerns with other crystals regarding sustainability don't apply here because finding moldavite doesn't involve strip mining, and it is mostly extracted near the Earth's surface.
Of course, you always want to look into worker conditions (and especially child labor), but Leavy says moldavite is "less of a concern given where it's from [...] and how it is collected."
How to use it.
Before diving into moldavite, remember: Intention is everything when working with crystals. Before you get started with the following methods, get crystal clear on what it is you want help with first:
Start with a short moldavite session.
If you're just starting off using this crystal, Van Doren suggests taking it slow. "Because of its intense vibration, this is a crystal to work with very intentionally to avoid energetic ''overdosing," she says, adding that she recommends beginning with short sessions.
"Hold your moldavite in your hands, or place on your body where you feel guided, and let it work its fast-acting magic on your energy system." She recommends placing it on your heart chakra if you're not sure where to start.
It's also common to feel a touch lightheaded after spending time with moldavite, she notes, so if this happens ground yourself by standing outside in the dirt, rock, or grass.
Use it for dream work.
Leavy notes moldavite can be a good companion if you're doing dreamwork, whether that be lucid dreaming, dream healing, or simply gathering intuitive insight from your dreams. If that interests you, she suggests placing it in your pillow or on your bedside table, or even wearing it as jewelry (such as a ring) while you sleep.
Use it for shadow work.
Moldavite is also helpful for all things related to personal and/or spiritual growth, including shadow work. If you're using it for personal growth, transformation, or shadow work, the experts recommend placing it on your at-home altar or sacred space for support.
Hold it while meditating.
And last but not least, Leavy tells mbg moldavite is also said to be very helpful for deepening states of meditation. If you'd like to work with it this way, simply hold it in your hand or wear it as jewelry while meditating.
How to take care of it.
Moldavite doesn't require special care beyond what you'd expect for any other crystal, aside from the fact that as glass, it is quite fragile. "Moldavite can chip and break. Store it carefully, and don't drop it," Van Doren says.
Along with storing it properly (ideally in a soft bag that will protect any edges), you can cleanse and charge your moldavite too. "Use a non-culturally appropriated method of cleansing," Leavy suggests, such as a sound bath or sun or moonlight.
(Be sure to check out our full guide on cleaning, storing, and programming crystals for more info!)
The bottom line.
Moral of the story: Moldavite is not cursed, and it's not automatically going to cause something bad to happen to you if you wear it or have it in your home. As Leavy and Van Doren make clear, any sort of crystal work comes down to your intention and how you're working with the stone. If you're still not convinced, don't feel like you need to add it to your collection. But if you're seeking change and transformation, this might just be the crystal to use.