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Mobility Matters At Any Age. Here Are 5 Practices For Supporting Your Joints

March 11, 2022
Branded Content Editor
Image by Leah Flores / Stocksy
March 11, 2022

By now we all know what the research confirms1: Sitting (or too much inactivity) is problematic for our health. The problem is, we live in an era when the sedentary lifestyle reigns supreme—whether that be behind the wheel, at the desk, or on the couch. And that's why talking about mobility has never been more important. Keeping our joints healthy and happy has more to do with our overall health than we realize.

Here's why mobility matters.

We tend to take mobility for granted—that is, until something changes (just think about the inconvenience of a sprained ankle!). The National Institute on Aging defines mobility as "the ability to move or walk freely and easily," but it also includes the range of motion of our joints. As we get older, mobility often declines, with major implications for quality of life and daily activities. But this trajectory is not a guarantee, especially if we are proactive about keeping our joints healthy starting, well, yesterday.

The joints in our body are ultimately what enable our skeleton to move about. But over time, joint tissues can weaken, either through natural "wear and tear" and/or inflammatory pathways2. Prioritizing mobility and supporting our joints are one and the same. From a more active lifestyle to a supportive supplement like +PlusCBD Relief Softgels, we can all cultivate a more flexible future.* You can prioritize mobility, starting today, with these five simple practices: 

1. Find support from a joint health supplement.

It doesn't matter whether we're running, walking, or playing with our kids—movement starts with our joints. The very least we can do is show them a little love! Made with sustainable full-spectrum hemp, +PlusCBD Relief Softgels are formulated to support joint function and mobility while providing joint comfort.* They deliver three of the most effective cannabinoid bioactives (CBDA/CDA and PEA) with anti-inflammatory properties that work safely by interacting with our body's intrinsic endocannabinoid system.* These softgels are the first and only triple-action CBDA/CBD and PEA combination available. In terms of making joint support a part of your daily routine, it doesn't get simpler than these softgels.*

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Relief Softgels

Supports relief from soreness.

2. Regularly incorporate low-impact exercises.

Joint health is filed under the "use it or lose it" adage—by staying active, we can help our joints stay mobile over time. But how we're moving matters too. While low-impact exercises have been proven to support joint health, studies3 have connected high-impact exercises "that involve repetitive, high-intensity, high-impact forces" to compromising our joint health. Low-impact exercises like walking, biking, and swimming not only help our joints stay mobile, but they are even considered therapeutic3 for those already seeking relief from joint issues.

Image by Javier Díez / Stocksy

3. Stick to an anti-inflammatory diet.

Nutrition has a role to play in every aspect of well-being, mobility included. Studies4 show that an anti-inflammatory diet can have positive effects on a healthy inflammatory response and its impact on joints. There are many takes on an anti-inflammatory diet, but it generally incorporates foods that are rich in antioxidants and low in foods like saturated fats and sugar. These diets usually orbit around fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Between a more nutritious diet and +PlusCBD Relief Softgels, leveraging anti-inflammatory tools can be your new norm.* 

4. Practice gentle stretching and range-of-motion exercises.

Range of motion is a measurement that encompasses the distance and direction a joint can move. And it's important: One study found that our shoulder and hip joints lose about 6 degrees of flexibility per decade, starting around age 55. To maintain range of motion, incorporate gentle stretching into your weekly routine. Focus specifically on range-of-motion exercises—like quad stretches for your knee joint, internal and external rotation of the shoulder joint, and half-pigeon stretch for external rotation of your hip joint.

5. Strengthen your muscles to support your joints.

We usually think about flexibility when it comes to mobility, but building strength is just as important. That's because, anatomically speaking, our muscles support our joints. When we strengthen our muscles, we protect our joints from overuse. Research5 has confirmed that reasonable strength-training exercises can greatly benefit our joints. So make sure you throw some extra weight into your weekly sweat sesh!

Time to mobilize!

Longevity is the buzzword on everyone's mind these days—but what we don't discuss as often is how mobility plays a big part in that. With the sedentary lifestyle as common as it is, mobility is something we could all stand (literally) to centralize on our wellness journey. Establishing a new mobility routine with +PlusCBD Relief Softgels, and simply getting up on our feet, doesn't just support a future of freer movement… It can help us feel better too—starting now!*

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Relief Softgels

Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, and Vegan
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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