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Did Your Favorites Make The Cut? Check Out The First-Ever mbg Beauty Awards

Lindsay Kellner
October 10, 2018
Lindsay Kellner
Contributing Wellness & Beauty Editor
By Lindsay Kellner
Contributing Wellness & Beauty Editor
Lindsay is a freelance writer and certified yoga instructor based in Brooklyn, NY. She holds a journalism and psychology degree from New York University. Kellner is the co-author of “The Spirit Almanac: A Modern Guide to Ancient Self Care,” with mbg Sustainability Editor Emma Loewe.
Graphic by mbg Creative / Megan Doty
October 10, 2018

Welcome to mbg's inaugural beauty awards!

Everyone has a different way into natural beauty. Some find it because they're dealing with a chronic skin condition, others want to eliminate toxins during pregnancy, and still others are looking for ways to be kinder to the earth.

These awards are different from ones you may have seen before. It's not just one long list of products; it's a curated selection. Each category is chosen with intention, and instead of being focused solely on performance, we've chosen to highlight 10 categories that represent themes that matter to us. Not only are the categories beginning to trend within the beauty industry, but they're in alignment with our ethos: You're enough. Your you-ness is what makes you beautiful. Every day on mindbodygreen, we aim to make you feel uplifted and informed, not less than or like your face needs fixing. And of course, each and every product recommendation delivers on the efficacy that you've come to expect from us.

We've named 50 products as winners—and we mean it when we say they're all winners. We recognize that there can be a lot of confusion around choosing the "purest" natural beauty and acknowledge the truth: Hardly any brand is perfect across every category. This is an ideal place to explore beauty for every budget, personal care need, and curiosity. There's something for everybody.

Dive in and start exploring, and this week I'll be on Instagram stories showing you my favorite brands and giving you a closeup of some of the products in action. Follow along!

cleaner color
non-toxic fragrances
drugstore naturals
earth first beauty
Flaw positive beauty
gender neutral beauty
hair heroes
healthy hybrids
stress therapeutics
Graphic by mbg Creative
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