Millennials Aren't Just Altruistic — They're Super-Smart About How They Give Back

'Tis the season for giving, and according to new research out of Charity Commission, millennials are more than willing to open their wallets to give back to charities they care about.
Even more impressive (and arguably more important), millennials are taking the time to research the charities they're giving to in order to ensure that their dollars will directly affect a cause they care about. Over half of the study participants between the ages of 18 and 24 said they would usually give a charity a closer look before donating, while only 29 percent of people over age 75 were able to say the same.
"This research shows that Christmas remains a time of generous charitable giving, and that is to be celebrated," said Helen Stephenson, the chief executive of the Charity Commission. "I’m particularly pleased that young people give generously but also that they are more likely to make basic checks before giving to their chosen charity than people from their parents' generation."
Millennials are proving to be an exceptional generation in more ways than one. Not only does recent data show that millennials are swapping alcohol for workouts, but they're the most sexually fluid generation yet. It's hard to argue with the benefits of regular exercise and an open mind.
Want more ideas for how to give back? These are the mission-driven bands you should be supporting this season.