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Matcha Banana Bread (Grain + Dairy-Free)

Ksenia Avdulova
April 24, 2015
Ksenia Avdulova
Founder of Breakfast Criminals
By Ksenia Avdulova
Founder of Breakfast Criminals
Ksenia Avdulova is a public speaker, founder of the award-nominated digital platform Breakfast Criminals, and host of Woke & Wired podcast.
April 24, 2015

From lattes to chia pudding and overnight oats, matcha (the smooth, powdered form of green tea made from the whole leaf) gives a delicious, green-tea like flavor to anything you add it to, including baking.

Using only whole food ingredients like healing moringa leaf (for a boost of greens), probiotic-rich tigernut flour, creamy stone-ground nut butter and clean plant-based protein, this flavorful banana bread with crunchy almonds and pumpkin seeds makes a perfect nutrient-dense breakfast, snack or dessert.

Protein Matcha Banana Bread (Grain + Gluten-free)

Makes 1 loaf


  • 3 ripe bananas
  • 1/2 cup gluten-free rolled oats, pulsed in blender for about 30 seconds or until they turn into powder, or 1/2 cup coconut flour for the full Paleo version
  • 1/2 cup tigernut or coconut flour
  • 1 serving of plant-based protein (plain or vanilla)
  • 1 tablespoon moringa
  • 1 tablespoon matcha
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • pinch of sea salt
  • 2 eggs (egg replacement: combine 1 tbs. chia seeds or flaxseed meal with 2.5 tbs. water, mix and let set for 5 minutes to activate)
  • 1/3 cup nut butter (I recommend almond or sunflower butter)
  • 1/2 cup nut milk
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds and chopped almonds for topping


1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly grease a 9-inch loaf pan coconut oil.

2. In a medium-sized bowl, mash the bananas with a fork. Add nut butter, eggs (or egg replacement) and nut milk, and mix well.

3. In a separate bowl, mix together all dry ingredients: flour, protein powder, matcha, morings, baking soda and salt. Stir that into the banana mixture.

4. Pour into a greased pan and top with pumpkin seeds and chopped almonds.

5. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out dry. Let chill, and serve banana bread slices with almond butter drizzle, if desired.

Photo courtesy of the author

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