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7 Ways To Harness The Emotionally Transformative New Moon Coming Our Way

The AstroTwins
March 01, 2022
The AstroTwins
By The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
Image by mbg creative X Anna Malgina / Stocksy
March 01, 2022
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Does your soul need soothing? The 2022 Pisces new moon (on March 2 at 12:34 p.m. EST) opens the floodgates of healing and self-compassion. It also reveals what's simmering beneath the surface.

We can't lie, the last couple of weeks have been frightening and turbulent, as far as world events go. Global Jupiter has taken up residence in Pisces, which has dredged some scary "sediment" to the surface. If you've been struggling to find a sense of hope or meaning while the threat of world war looms, you are not alone. 

The 2022 Pisces new moon won't solve the horrors in Ukraine, but it can provide you with some self-soothing techniques in the face of a situation that is beyond what you as an individual can control. 

Emotions are the domain of the watery sign of the Fish, and the 2022 Pisces new moon provides both a reflecting pool and a chance to plunge into the depths of your own feelings. From that open state, divine guidance may flow in.

Here are seven ways to "shield your field" at the 2022 Pisces New Moon:


Scan your subconscious.

So, you've given your closets and drawers the style blogger treatment as a New Year's resolution. Now, how about your psyche? As the 12th and final sign of the zodiac, Pisces energy can hold a lot of baggage, and not just the physical kind. Since Pisces rules the subconscious, the 2022 Pisces new moon beams your attention inward.

Your thoughts have a big part in shaping your reality, which, in turn, directs your outlook on life. Thus, it makes sense to give your mind an internal audit from time to time. The goal is to make sure all that "monkey chatter" isn't bringing you down!

Regular meditation breaks can help you tune in to those shadowy corners of your mind.

Try our guided meditation for Pisces season. As you close your eyes, allow yourself to reflect on where you are feeling stuck, uninspired, or hopeless. You may discover some entrenched thinking that needs to come to light. For example, maybe you're telling yourself, "I'll never make that much money," or "If I want it done right, I guess I'll just have to do it myself." After sitting quietly and observing your mental landscape, open up your journal and write about it. Here are a few prompts you can use:

  • What situation is causing me to feel upset?
  • What emotions am I experiencing about this?
  • What is my belief about this situation?
  • Then, try giving each disempowering thought a positive reframe. For example:
  • "I am committed to learning about money management so I can create abundance in my life."
  • Or, "I will ask three experienced people for their advice on how to navigate my relationship crossroads."

Helpful mentors and "earth angels" tend to show up near a Pisces new moon, so don't try to figure out the particularly snarly issues on your own. Friends and family can be great sources of support, but if you're worried about leaning too heavily on them, reach out (and up!) to an expert who can guide you through your transformation, like a therapist, coach, or spiritual leader.


Let life imitate art.

What if you regarded everything you do—from preparing your breakfast to composing an email—as a work of art? Imagine what kind of honor, dignity, and divinity you could bring to every waking moment. You would exist in a true state of grace.

Here's a 2022 Pisces new moon idea: Experiment with this idea for two weeks and see how your experience of life begins to shift.

Need a nudge? Let artist extraordinaire Michelangelo, a Pisces born March 6, 1475, inspire you. He spent four years painting the awe-inspiring ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. During his lifetime, Michelangelo was known as Il Divino ("the divine one"). How very Piscean, since the veil between the earthly and the divine is thinned by Pisces' esoteric influence.

What spirit or force drove him—or other brilliant Pisces like Nina Simone and Alexander McQueen—to such excellence? Pick up your own version of the metaphorical microphone or paintbrush and find out!


Explore the quantum field.

Ever notice that when you're feeling worried or stressed, an hour feels like a lifetime, but when you're "in the zone" it flies by way too quickly? The 2022 Pisces new moon directs us toward quantum thinking, where time is more elastic than fixed—and can be bent at our will.

Albert Einstein, whose theory of relativity turned our concept of reality on its head, was a Pisces, born March 14, 1879. (And it's interesting to note that the late, great theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking—a Capricorn—died on Einstein's birthday, which is also Pi Day).

The Pisces new moon encourages us to question linear concepts like distance and time—just as Einstein, Hawking, and even Galileo had done. One of our favorite (and most digestible) books on the quantum realm is Joe Dispenza's Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How To Lose Your Mind and Create a New One.

On that note, when was the last time you lost track of a few hours?

Just let yourself follow your whims? Daydreamer Pisces encourages you to ride a divinely inspired wave. Tinker with a musical instrument or watercolors. Have an impromptu dance party for one. Wander through an adorable shopping district and try on some lust-worthy shoes. (Glamorous Pisces rules the feet.) The 2022 Pisces new moon encourages you to follow the muse and see where it takes you.


Ponder the possibility of past lives.

As the final sign of the zodiac, Piscean energy is often equated with a metaphorical death. It's why so many people born under this sign are old souls with a strong connection to the other side. Pisces is also associated with reincarnation and the afterlife.

A book that's made a huge impact on us is late (Aries) hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon's Between Death and Life: Conversations With a Spirit. While regressing her patients to heal traumas, they recount memories of their time in between earthly incarnations. Cannon records this with fascinating detail, without trying to convince the reader to believe but rather to try on the possibility and see if it resonates as a personal truth.

For us, Cannon's work brought deep comfort—and a profound sense of "remembering"—during the transition of our beloved pets.


Set up healthy boundaries.

While this zodiac sign is the most empathetic of them all, when does compassion veer into codependence? Nebulous Neptune rules Pisces. Figuring out where you begin and another person ends can be a bit challenging—but try! This new moon may serve as a wake-up call that you've been making too many sacrifices to your self-care in the name of "being there" for a loved one.

Giving is not a true act of generosity if you exhaust yourself in the process. Set up healthy boundaries and don't stay silent about your need for support. The struggle is real sometimes; instead of wearing it like a badge of honor, let it be a wake-up call that you need to reach out. (See also our Pisces New Moon Ritual about setting boundaries!)


Be open to divine guidance.

Wanting to be in control is part of the human condition. Pisces is the star sign of surrender and release. Under the spell of this intuitive energy, try handing the metaphorical reins to the universe (or god, the divine…however you see it). The mysterious and unseen force may have a better plan than the one your mortal mind can concoct.

If things take a U-turn or veer off onto an uncharted path, try not to freak out. Instead, say, "Hmm…I wonder what I'm to learn from this change of events?"

Let your curiosity lead instead of your anxiousness. Stop, tune in, and plug into the flow. You're being guided, so listen carefully and watch for serendipities as clues along the way. You might even keep an angel card deck handy and pull one for the 2022 Pisces new moon, then ponder the meaning of its message.


Drink more water.

Pisces is water sign—so why not use this season to stay hydrated? Chug those recommended eight cups of water per day as a minimum. If you're looking to reduce your caffeine intake, use the time between the 2022 Pisces new moon and the upcoming full moon in Virgo on March 17 as a test.

Replace at least one cup of coffee with a tea blend that uses bitter, coffee-like herbs, such as chicory or dandelion. You may discover that you think clearer and your productivity improves. You never know: this could be the fastest route to getting yourself into that famous Pisces "flow state." 

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