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A 5-Minute Guided Meditation With Benefits That'll Last All Day

By Deborah Hanekamp
mbg Contributor
Deborah Hanekamp, also known as Mama Medicine, has been called “fashion’s favorite healer” by Vogue Magazine. She facilitates Medicine Readings out of her Space in Soho, New York.

Image by MaaHoo Studio / Stocksy
May 08, 2019
Here at mindbodygreen, we believe in trying your best but accepting that life—and parenthood—is a journey, with ups, downs, and potholes along the way. That's why this Mother's Day week we're introducing (Mostly) Mindful Mamas week, where we're offering stories to help the mother figures in our lives get back a bit of that time, through wellness that isn't perfect but feels achievable. Instead of spending one day at the spa, our stories this week focus on small changes moms can make now that will last long past Sunday. We also know this isn't an easy week and time of year for a lot of people, and our hearts are with anyone feeling tender. Wishing you all a good week...
The most important thing to remember when it comes to looking into practicing meditation as a mama is that motherhood is the meditation. We practice meditation in order to become more present, but nothing creates presence like the razor-sharp focus you get from trying to keep a tiny human alive! So try not to let meditation feel like one more thing you have to do today. You are doing enough. You are enough. Here's a quick meditation practice to remind you of that.
Mama Medicine's 5-minute meditation for mothers past, present, and future:
- Close your eyes and place both hands on that big beautiful heart of yours.
- And breathe into this place, reminding yourself how loving you are, that you are powerful because of the power of your love.
- Let that power radiate from your heart to your hands and from your hands back to your heart.
- Take another deep breath and lean into the power of your love for a moment.
- Send gratitude to all of the mothers who have come before you. Send hope to all of the mothers yet to come.
- In your mind's voice, tell yourself and all the mothers past, present, and future, "Because we are mothers, we can do anything."
- Take one last deep breath and lean into the power of your love for this sweet moment.
- Open your eyes and notice how you feel.
I suggest you try this at night before you go to sleep or in the morning when you first wake up, but it can be done whenever you have a few moments to yourself.
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