From Graysexual to Heteroflexible: Here's A Big List Of Sexualities In 2023

When it comes to sexuality, there is no one-size-fits-all approach, which explains why there is already such a long list of terms to describe sexual orientation, with more popping up every day.
For someone who is searching for the perfect word to describe their sexual desires, this could take them a step closer to finding sexual liberation. For others, these terms can be a little bit confusing, and that's OK if you feel that way.
Most people are familiar with the widely recognized acronym LGBTQ+, which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, plus anyone who doesn't identify as straight but also doesn't fit in under the definitions of the other letters either. But the acronym is really just the tip of the rainbow iceberg.
Here's everything you need to know about sexuality, plus a fuller list of some of the most common sexualities in 2020.
What is sexuality?
Sexuality is an umbrella term describing the parts of your identity that deal with how you present yourself to the world, who you love, and who you find yourself attracted to or not attracted to.
According to sexologist Carol Queen, Ph.D., it's the way a person feels and expresses their relationship to sex, desire, arousal, and eroticism.
"It can include a lot of varying elements (what kind of person you'd want to have sex with, specific preferences, and more), but often we use this term as shorthand for sexual orientation and the number of ways people may express both desire and identity," she explains. She also points out, "Sexuality can be fluid in a person's life, so its elements may change."
How many sexualities are there?
There's no definitive number of sexualities since new words are constantly being conceived and integrated into popular language as the way we talk about sexual orientation evolves.
This isn't to say that new types of sexuality are being "invented" out of the blue; rather, people are creating a new language to describe nuances of sexual attraction and behavior that have always existed.
These terms serve as a way for people to feel seen and find communities of like-minded people. They also help with describing one's identity, communicating with others about what you look for in relationships, and establishing compatibility with potential partners.
While there is no finite number of sexual orientation types, there are a handful of terms that you're likely to see more than others.
List of sexualities:
The term allosexual refers to anyone who experiences sexual attraction. Those who identify as allosexual can also identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, or any other orientation, because allosexuality isn't linked to gender but simply attraction. This is as opposed to asexuality, described below.
Someone who is androsexual will find themselves sexually or emotionally attracted to folks on the more masculine side. For some people, this attraction has very little to do with biology; it's more about having a masculine identity or gender presentation. Alternatively, some people also use the term androsexual to refer to attraction to any folks with penises, though still with a focus on people with more masculine presentations.
An asexual individual typically doesn't experience sexual attraction to any gender. However, it is possible for an asexual being to be romantically attracted to people of other genders or the same gender, and some asexual people do have sex in certain circumstances.
Have you ever wished there were two of you so you could have sex with yourself? If you answer yes, then you might be autosexual, aka someone who is sexually attracted to themselves.
Bi-curious refers to someone who is looking to explore or has already begun exploring bisexuality. There's some disagreement about whether this term has roots in biphobia, however.
Someone who is bisexual will likely find themselves romantically, sexually, or emotionally attracted to more than one gender. It can sometimes overlap with pansexuality, which is the attraction to people regardless of gender. (Here's more on how to know if you're pansexual vs. bisexual.)
Closeted, also referred to as "in the closet," refers to anyone who is a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, but they have yet to publicly acknowledge this truth. These people typically have good reasons to keep their sexual identity to themselves, such as for safety from an intolerant community or to avoid discrimination associated with being "out" of the closet. Some closeted people may or may never "come out."
Demisexual falls on the asexual spectrum. It describes someone who only experiences sexual attraction to folks they already have established a strong romantic or emotional relationship with.
Some people describe themselves as sexually fluid. A person who is fluid experiences their sexuality or sexual identity as changing over time or in different contexts rather than having one finite way they experience attraction.
The word gay is used to describe someone who is sexually, romantically, or emotionally attracted to people of the same gender. In some cases, women who date other women prefer to use the word lesbian, while others opt to use queer.
Graysexual people are all about the gray area of the sexuality spectrum and tend to experience limited sexual attraction. This means they'll rarely experience sexual attraction, and when they do, it's usually not very intense.
Gynesexual people are attracted to women and folks with more feminine gender presentations, as opposed to androsexual people who are interested in the masculine. Alternatively, some people also use the term gynesexual to describe attraction to people with vaginas, breasts, and a more feminine physical presentation.
Heterosexual or straight
Heterosexual or straight refers to people who are only attracted, whether sexually, emotionally, or romantically, to people of the "opposite" gender—i.e., men who are attracted to women exclusively, or women who are attracted to men exclusively.
Heteroflexible or homoflexible
A heteroflexible person is mostly straight (heterosexual) though occasionally is attracted to the same gender or other genders. A homoflexible person likewise is mostly gay (homosexual) though occasionally is attracted to the "opposite" gender. For example, a homoflexible man might primarily date and sleep with men but occasionally date or sleep with a woman. Like bi-curiosity, there's still ongoing debate over whether these terms are rooted in biphobia.
The term homosexual is a bit outdated, but it refers to anyone who is attracted to people of the same or a similar gender.
A lesbian is a woman who is mentally, physically, and emotionally attracted to other women. Some women who date women prefer to be called gay or queer. Some people who don't identify as women but do have more feminine aspects to their gender—for example, a more feminine-leaning nonbinary person—might also use the term lesbian to describe themselves and their relationships with other feminine people.
Someone who identifies as pansexual experiences attraction to folks regardless of sex or gender identity.
The dictionary defines queer as something "odd, strange, or weird," but the word has since been reclaimed and redefined. These days, queer is an umbrella term that is sometimes used to describe anyone within the LGBTQ+ community. The term also provides a sense of community for those who may not fit into one of the other categories specifically but also don't identify as straight or cisgender.
Someone who falls into the questioning category is someone who is questioning their current sexual identity and curious about exploring different aspects of sexuality or gender. For example, this could apply to someone who has always identified as a lesbian but is now wondering whether they're also attracted to men.
You might be seeing this word used in social media and dating app bios more often these days. A sapiosexual person is someone whose attraction is based on intelligence rather than sex or gender.
Someone who is sex-repulsed is repulsed or disgusted by sex or sexual behavior. This person falls on the spectrum of asexuality.
Skoliosexual is one of the newer terms on the sexuality scene, and it refers to a person who is attracted to anyone who isn't cisgender. This means a skoliosexual will usually find themselves drawn to people who are trans or nonbinary.
A spectrasexual is sexually or romantically attracted to a wide range of sexes, genders, and gender identities.
The sexuality spectrum.
You might've heard the saying "Sexuality is a spectrum" before. The sexuality spectrum is the idea that all sexuality exists on a spectrum with binary "absolutes" on each end, explains sexologist Tanya M. Bass, Ph.D. The spectrum most often referenced is the Kinsey scale, which describes sexuality as existing on a spectrum from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual. Any individual can fall anywhere on this spectrum.
Here's every stop on the Kinsey scale:
0 - Exclusively heterosexual
1 - Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2 - Predominantly heterosexual but more than incidentally homosexual
3 - Equally heterosexual and homosexual
4 - Predominantly homosexual but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 - Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
6 - Exclusively homosexual
X - No socio-sexual contacts or reactions
Bass points out that there are other spectrums of identity as well, such as the gender spectrum, which views gender identity as existing on a spectrum from maleness to femaleness. Any individual can fall anywhere on this spectrum.
Asexuality is considered another spectrum, where people can experience varying degrees of asexuality or fall somewhere on a spectrum from asexual to allosexual.
"Spectrums describe sexuality as fluid related to gender, orientation, attraction, and expression," Bass explains. "It can often challenge the binary for both orientation, expression, and identity."
Sexual orientation versus romantic orientation.
A person's sexual orientation can sometimes be confused with their romantic orientation, but the two things aren't quite the same.
Your sexual orientation is linked to who you want to have sex (or some sort of erotic experience) with, while your romantic orientation refers to who you want to love or be in a relationship with.
"You can have sex without being in a relationship; you can be in a relationship without sex. So these things explain two elements of sexuality that can be teased apart or are always experienced together—depending on the person. And they don't even need to match. Plenty of people fall in love with the other gender but like to have sex with people of their own gender, for example. And vice versa," Queen explains.
The prefixes a-, bi-, pan-, hetero-, and homo- can all be attached to either element.
For example, a biromantic asexual person might be someone who's open to romantic partnerships with more than one gender, but they do not want sex in those relationships. Panromantic, biromantic, and aromantic are examples of other variations of romantic orientation.
When you put sexual and romantic orientation together, you learn more about the specifics of the person embracing the identities.
The bottom line.
There's a lot of nuances when it comes to sexual identity, which can be both exciting and overwhelming.
Remember that these words aren't meant to be prescriptive or frightening: They're here to make your life simpler by making it easier for you to tell people who you are and what you want from your relationships. If you were searching for your word, we hope you'll find yourself one step closer.