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Here's Everything To Know About Libra's Compatibility With The Other Zodiac Signs

Sarah Regan
October 18, 2024
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
A couple smiling at each other.
Image by mbg Creative x Studio Firma / Stocksy
October 18, 2024
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Libra is known for being the diplomatic and charming peacekeeper of the zodiac—so when it comes to compatibility, which of the other signs are they compatible with? Here's what Libra is like in love and romance, plus how they fare with all 12 zodiac signs.

Libra in love & relationships

Not only is Libra the one sign associated with the seventh house of long-term partnerships, but it's also ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure. All that to say? Libras love love.

Whether they can sustain it once they get it is a whole other thing, but in terms of putting on the charm and flirting with fun new people, that's where they excel. When commitment comes in, that's when they can get a bit more passive or uncertain, or even turned off.

They are an air sign, after all, so even though they romanticize everything, they can still be a flight risk. If you want to win a Libras heart and keep them coming back, know that they like to be pampered, tended to, and maybe a bit spoiled. Venus' influence over their chart gives them a penchant for the finer things in life.

And that means they'll also enjoy date nights at theaters, art galleries, or anywhere that allows them to people watch and absorb art and culture at the same time.

Above all, Libras know that love is larger than just two people: It's about ethics, fairness, and remaining true to oneself. They crave a dynamic partnership where politics, vision, art, culture, and justice can all take center stage.

While they do make loving, attentive, and considerate partners when they do commit, it's worth noting that Libras can be so focused on helping others or keeping the peace that they don't always stand up for themselves. It's important for them to vocalize when their feelings are hurt instead of sweeping everything under the rug.

Libra & Aries

Sitting directly across from Libra on the zodiac wheel, we have Aries, making these two signs astrological opposites. And while opposites are, of course, very different, opposites also attract and can be very complementary in terms of harmony and growth. In fact, some say your opposite sign is your astrological soul mate!

Libra, for example, is known to be one of the more relationship-oriented signs, bringing some needed balance to Aries' hyper-independence. Meanwhile, Libra can learn from Aries' confidence and self-assuredness. According to astrology expert Imani Quinn, "Libra is an air sign, and they're going to be naturally very social and very outgoing, and Aries is willing to try new things and be outward facing, so these two energies can match well together.

She adds that Libra always wants to weigh both sides and give thought to harmonizing energy, "and that can challenge Aries' need to always bulldoze forward, but in a way that can help tame them down a little bit."

Libra & Taurus

While these two signs might not seem like they have much in common, Libra and Taurus share Venus as their ruling planet. And being that they're both ruled by Venus, which governs all things beautiful, sensual, and pleasurable, these two can feel a soul kinship with each other, Quinn explains.

Both of these signs have a great appreciation for the beauty in simple pleasures, as well as romantic expression. Other than that, though, they are five signs apart on the zodiac wheel, which forms a "quincunx" aspect.

According to the AstroTwins, couples that are five signs apart will need to adapt to their differences, "which could take a great deal of adjustment—even discarding a former lifestyle." For instance, Taurus and Libra tend to operate on very different mental levels, but luckily compromise is one of Libra's strong suits.

Just remember that Libra can be a bit too compromising, so Taurus will need to learn to be a bit more flexible to ensure Libra doesn't feel put out or stifled.

Libra & Gemini

There's a natural harmony at play in a Libra and Gemini matchup, thanks to their shared element of air. Signs that are the same element for a trine aspect, which creates an unspoken kinship.

As the twins explain, when these two meet, it's like they've never felt so comfortable or understood on a core level. According to the twins, both people will be able to feel at home within themselves and with their partner when they're together. They can let down their guards and be themselves without having to explain, creating the perfect environment for rest and relaxation.

It's like having a best friend and partner in one, the twins note, adding that this comes with one main caveat: "In trine relationships, you'll need to preserve some mystery to keep things exciting. Make sure you stay active and on the go, and don't do everything together. A little autonomy goes a long way to keep the passion alive."

Libra & Cancer

With Cancer being ruled by the moon, and Libra, ruled by the planet of love and beauty, these two can share a deep emotional attunement. According to astrologer Desiree Roby Antila, Cancer will intuitively make Libra feel wanted, and Libra will find the waxing and waning of Cancer's moods enticing.

"These two planets both tap into feminine energy, which makes this pair's exchanges filled with gentleness, sentiment, intuitiveness, and romance. Libra knows that there is more to Cancer than what they show on the surface, and they use their intellect to tap into Cancer's magic," Roby Antila explains.

And Cancer, meanwhile, is attracted to Libra's balanced nature and physical beauty, she adds. "When they blend physically, their hearts will feel full because their gentle passion and quaking eagerness for each other are fastened with amity and pleasure. Even when times get tough, they have a way of rediscovering one another time and time again."

Libra & Leo

When the sun and Venus come together, it's like a bold bright light of pure love—and that's what a matchup between a Libra and Leo will feel like. This is a positive and progressive partnership, which the twins describe as "easy and breezy" thanks to their sextile aspect (AKA two zodiac signs away from each other).

As the twins explain, your signs are of compatible elements—air and fire—making this a great match. After all, when fire meets air, flames grow, and Libra and Leo will feel that immediate connection upon introduction.

They note that Libra and Leo often come together to find a "best friend with benefits," who provides great communication and romance naturally forged out of friendship. Both partners will feel they can speak and be heard, as well as listen, but the relationship never feels forced or pressured.

One thing to watch out for? The friendly vibes aren't always sexy, so these two will need to learn how to "keep the spark going when it stops automatically lighting itself," the twins add.

Libra & Virgo

As the twins explain, the nature of a romantic connection between Libra and Virgo serves to "see how the other side lives." After all, they have nothing in common despite being right next to each other on the zodiac wheel.

But sometimes, when you team up with someone who has qualities you don't and learn from your differences, you can channel that love/hate tension. Whether it's "hot, round-the-clock sex," or moving out of any fear-based comfort zones or emotional paralysis, the twins say, this partnership can encourage that forward momentum.

Of course, getting out of your comfort zone is, well, uncomfortable, with the twins explaining that it's often through painful growth, contrast, and challenges that we experience deep healing and transformation. This relationship is certainly no exception!

For Libra, teaming up with a Virgo teaches them how to assert themselves and move away from codependence, while Virgo learns to embrace and even embody Libra's diplomatic side. When they avoid these lessons, though, there's a possibility for this relationship to turn passive-aggressive or estranged, with important things left unspoken in the name of keeping the peace.

Libra & Libra

While not all the signs would mesh as well with someone who has the same sign as them, Libra has no problem vibing with another Libra. And as the twins note, if you date someone of the same sign, you've probably embraced your quirks and accepted your humanity.

Of course, if you haven't learned to love yourself, the twins add that this relationship can inspire some crucial self-acceptance. "Remember, though: twinning might be comfortable, but autonomy is important to keep that frisky friction. Maintain some separation between your lives, even if it's easy to hang out together—otherwise, passion may cool to a brother-sister vibe," the twins explain.

Ultimately, though, the hallmarks of a Libra-Libra matchup include experiencing what it's like for someone to be with you, exposing your best and worst qualities. It's also possible this relationship can mirror a sibling rivalry you're subconsciously working through. But beyond that, this relationship can also feature a great deal of ease and self-acceptance.

Libra & Scorpio

According to Quinn, despite being side by side on the zodiac wheel, Libra and Scorpio aren't typically thought of as compatible because they operate very differently. "They have different needs and would have to be very attuned to each other's needs and be willing to compromise and balance each other out," she explains.

They also have different ways of processing things, with Libra being more intellectual, and Scorpio more emotional. As Quinn puts it, "Scorpio needs to go all the way, deep to the root, in order to be able to move on, where Libra doesn't necessarily," adding that Libras tend to look at emotions a lot more intellectually and even a bit more on the surface than a Scorpio would.

She also adds that Scorpios are extremely loyal in relationships, which a Libra will greatly appreciate. "They love that they would be adored by the Scorpio—that initial attraction would be really nice for them," Quinn tells mindbodygreen, adding that the key with this zodiac matchup is sustaining that initial spark.

Libra & Sagittarius

With two benefic planets ruling Libra and Sagittarius (Venus and Jupiter, respectively), this is an astrological matchup full of joy, pleasure, fun, spontaneity, and laughter. And sitting two signs apart on the zodiac wheel, they also form a sextile, which the twins describe as an "easy, breezy" connection.

These two signs often have similar values and attitudes about politics, raising a family, which movies to rent, and so on, according to the twins, who add that friendship and communication are the hallmarks of this partnership.

Both of these signs appreciate being social and keeping up with culture and knowledge. You'll definitely catch them out at the latest hot spot or spontaneously taking a weekend trip to a big city.

One little thing to watch out for, though, is keeping the spark alive. As the twins explain, being best friends is easy, but you might want to structure "date nights" or set up scenarios that get you out of "buddy-mode."

Libra & Capricorn

Up next we have Libra and Capricorn, who might have their work cut out for them in a relationship. Thanks to their "square" aspect, or the harsh, 90-degree angle between them, the twins note this isn't exactly the easiest connection. In fact, it can create a push-pull dynamic which might be intoxicating at first—but can quickly become just plain toxic.

And considering their ruling planets have completely different priorities, it's not unlikely that Libra and Capricorn will have different motivations, interests, and even love languages. After all, Libras are fun-loving and pleasure-seeking, prioritizing beauty and harmony with their Venusian influence. Capricorns, on the other hand, take themselves pretty seriously and only prioritize pleasure when all their work is done, which by a Cap's standards, is never.

Of course, when done right, Libra and Capricorn can actually strike a delicate balance. According to the twins, if both people have done enough emotional maturing, they can "make an undeniable 'power couple'—a true force to be reckoned with."

Libra & Aquarius

Just like Libra and Gemini—or even Libra with another Libra—these folks do well with Aquariuses, the third and final air sign of the astrological year. Their shared element makes them both intellectual, analytical, and open-minded.

As Quinn puts it, "The most immediate thing about their compatibility is that they both process similarly—they're going to intellectualize things, whether that be their relationships or their own internal processing system."

However, when you factor in Aquarius' quintessential aloof and cool attitude, too much emotional detachment might not be a good thing. "Everything is going to be heady for both of them, so it can even be challenging to be connected to their emotions," Quinn explains, adding that Libra will typically play peacemaker and try to figure out what's wrong.

Overall, though, these two will strongly connect on a mental level, which is important for them. And if they're aligned on humanitarian values and peaceful causes, which are important to them both, even better.

Libra & Pisces

According to Roby Antila, there isn't a dreamier couple out there than Pisces and Libra. For one thing, she says, Libra immediately feels allured by Pisces' charm, meanwhile Pisces will instantly sense Libra's strength and admire their beauty.

"When two of the most romantic zodiac signs decide to pair up, they create an enchanted alchemy that can only happen with this bubbly mixture of air and water," Roby Antila explains.

What's especially interesting about this pair is, while they don't seem compatible, Pisces is ruled by Jupiter in ancient astrology, the other benefic planet along with Venus. "Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, while Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance, as well as Neptune, the planet of dreams. When a couple is simultaneously ruled by positive planets, it makes for many joyous, beautiful, and fortunate exchanges," Roby Antila explains.

The takeaway

When it comes to astrological compatibility, comparing both people's entire charts (aka "synastry" or relationship astrology) is necessary to get the full picture. However, in terms of the classic Libra archetype, it's clear that certain signs will get along with them better than others.

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