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September 13, 2010
25-year-old singer, Katy Perry, says she avoids fast food and eats green vegetables to stay healthy. But can you guess what her exercise secret is?
Skipping rope!
Katy tells ContactMusic that skipping rope is the secret to staying in shape:
I like to skip rope and eat as healthily as I can. I like to have my greens and cut out fast food. I also have regular facials. I'm addicted to Maki at Ole Henriksen spa.
Katy on her metabolism:
I know I'm kind of voluptuous and I've always been that way. Saying that, I'm young and metabolism is on my side and my schedule is so crazy that I lose weight from the intensity of it. But if you ask me that question in five or six years and I'll probably have a different answer for you.
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