I Tested 5 Of The Best Air Purifiers & This Was The Clear Winner (+ An Exclusive $100 Discount)

A recent study1 identified air pollution as one of the top risk factors that contribute to faster brain aging and cognitive decline, and research shows indoor air is two to five times more polluted2 than the air outside.
Considering we spend 90% of our time indoors on average, an air purifier is a no-brainer—unless you want your lungs to become the filter.
Since I started using the Jaspr air purifier my sleep is better, my air feels cleaner, and my heart rate variability (HRV) has improved. Plus, I have peace of mind knowing I’m protecting my long-term health.
It's no wonder wellness enthusiasts are flocking to this air purifier, currently causing three-week backorders. But it's worth the wait—and for a limited time, you can save $450 with code MINDBODYGREEN to try the coveted Jaspr purifier for yourself.
Why the Jaspr air purifier belongs in every home:
Research shows that higher PM2.5 concentration is associated with increased cardiovascular risk3, greater rates of dementia4 and increased odds of certain cancers5, including blood, bone, brain, breast, lung, pancreatic cancer, prostate, and thyroid cancer.
To me, this makes an air-purifier a must-have home appliance—and it’s not one I want to cut corners on. After testing five of the best options, here’s why the Jaspr is my top pick:
- The Jaspr uses a three-stage filter with industrial-grade strength. The sensors are extremely sensitive, detecting PM2.5 particles and VOCs in the air and correcting the air quality in real-time.
- Made from white cold-rolled matte steel, the Jaspr is sleek and aesthetically pleasing—and it’s built to last (plus it comes with a lifetime warranty).
- It’s intuitive and easy to use: Simply set the machine to “smart mode” and it will automatically adjust the filter speed based on your current air quality.
- The Jaspr has a 430 CFM airflow rate for max output, and the machine’s cylindrical design gives it 360 degree airflow for more effectiveness than those that only filter through the top or one side.
- It’s very quiet, aside from when it kicks into high gear (e.g. when I’m cooking or my window is open to the New York City streets).
Most notably, Jaspr is the only purifier that I can actually feel the difference with. My air feels cleaner, I sleep better, and my HRV has improved.
While reading through the 100+ positive Jaspr reviews, I found I’m not the only one who’s experienced these powerful perks. Many others tout better sleep and fewer allergy symptoms—and some also note their own HRV improvements.
The takeaway
Knowing the direct impact air quality can have on your health and longevity, I’d prefer to keep my home a sanctuary—and that’s exactly what the Jaspr does. Don’t miss your chance to save $400 with code MINDBODYGREEN.
Just note: The Jaspr has gone out of stock multiple times, so I’d grab one while you can (even if it takes a few weeks to ship out).
5 Sources