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Is Barley Gluten-Free? Plus, All The Grains You Can Safely Eat

Abby Moore
May 01, 2020
Abby Moore
mbg Nutrition & Health Writer
By Abby Moore
mbg Nutrition & Health Writer
Abby Moore is an editorial operations manager at mindbodygreen. She earned a B.A. in Journalism from The University of Texas at Austin and has previously written for Tribeza magazine.
May 01, 2020

For many people, discovering their gut and skin problems are a symptom of gluten intolerance or sensitivity can be a huge relief. In order to adjust, though, it's important to figure out which foods are off the table. You already know wheat bread contains gluten, and you may have figured out that oats don't—but what about barley?

What is barley, and is it gluten-free?

Barley is a cereal grain that can be used as a base for grain bowls or brewed into beers. When cooked, it becomes chewy and nutty in flavor. All that said, registered dietitian Isabel Smith, R.D., CDN, confirms: "barley is not gluten-free."

She adds, "Barley contains about 5 to 8% gluten, unless the gluten is removed from the grain, which sometimes occurs in situations where barley is more processed."

What products are made with barley?

  • Soups or stews
  • Food coloring 
  • Beer or brewer's yeast 
  • Breakfast cereals
  • Protein bars
  • Teas
  • Brown rice syrup

Barley can be found in many different food and beverage products, which is why it's essential to check nutrition labels if you suffer from celiac disease or other gluten intolerances

A few food items that may contain barley, Smith says, include:

Barley is also present in another ingredient you're probably familiar with: malt.

When barley seeds are soaked in water, they begin to grow and sprout. "Once dried, barley with a sprout is called malt," Smith explains. During the process, called "malting," the barley develops enzymes that help convert starches into sugars. 

Meaning, though the product presents differently, barley and malt are made from the same plant and therefore both contain gluten. A few food items that may contain malt include: 

  • Chocolate and other candies 
  • Malted milkshakes
  • Barley flour 
  • Malt extract, malt sugar, or malt syrup 
  • Beer

Although barley and malt are found in many foods, it's possible to enjoy sweets and even certain beers without the added gluten

What are some gluten-free alternatives?

While barley may not be an option if you're avoiding gluten, there are still a number of other grains you can safely choose from.


Rice, particularly brown rice, is a healthy grain option. The whole grain is high in vitamins and minerals1, like magnesium and dietary fibers.


"Quinoa, actually an edible seed, is an easy-to-prepare, gluten-free alternative that contains more protein than other grains," integrative internist Vincent Pedre, M.D., tells mindbodygreen.


Amaranth is a good gluten-free grain option. "It has three times more fiber than wheat and is a good source of plant based-iron, calcium2, and phosphorus3," integrative and functional dietitian Nour Zibdeh, M.S., RDN, says.


"Buckwheat is not related to wheat and contains no gluten," Zibdeh says. "It's actually a fruit seed related to rhubarb and sorrel and a healthy substitute for people on gluten-free diets." 

Bottom line.

Understanding which grains do or do not contain gluten will make it easier to stick to a gluten-free diet. While barley and malt do contain a high percentage of gluten, there are several alternatives that you can enjoy without unwanted side effects.

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