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How This Vitamin D Supplement Became My Secret Weapon For Healthy, Glowing Skin*

Ravleen Singh
January 19, 2025
Ravleen Singh
mbg Contributing Writer
By Ravleen Singh
mbg Contributing Writer
Ravleen Singh studied advertising and marketing at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City and has a Certification in Leadership Development from HarvardX.
woman touching her face on a tan background
Image by Ridofranz / iStock
January 19, 2025

I consider myself to be a confident person, but sensitive patches of red, dry, not to mention just plain uncomfortable skin make me feel a little less so. I was tired of dealing with stubborn and bothersome skin concerns, and I had just about reached my breaking point, having dealt with these issues off and on for years.

Every decision I made was dictated by the status of my skin. Enough was enough—I was ready for smooth, healthy skin that didn't distract me from everyday life.

I made a commitment to bolster my skin health, and I began to research natural ways to support it beyond the soothing homeopathic solutions I whipped together on an as-needed basis. Enter vitamin D3.*

Learning how to support my skin health

If you've been down the same rabbit hole as I (and most people who have dealt with skin concerns) have, it's likely you already know your skin's well-being is determined by how well you're taking care of yourself holistically.

In other words, things like hydration, a well-balanced diet, sleep, exercise, stress management, socialization, and emotional health have a profound impact on how your skin looks and feels. The answer to healthy skin isn't a magical cream or serum—it's taking care of yourself in all areas of your life.

How I discovered vitamin D3

I leaned into this holistic approach to health and made small, consistent changes in my daily life to support my skin as well as I possibly could. 

For example, I adopted an anti-inflammatory diet by consuming fewer foods that might have a part in some of the skin struggles I was experiencing, like wheat and sugar. And while I was following the recommended advice (like eating more leafy greens and taking care of my overall diet), my body still needed something more substantial to support my skin's health.

It was around this time that I learned vitamin D has antioxidant properties that protect skin cells, so I started researching the best vitamin D supplement to help me maintain healthy vitamin D levels and promote my skin health.* I was fascinated by the plethora of podcasts on the vast benefits of vitamin D.

It wasn't long before I realized not all vitamin D supplements are created equal. I discovered that vitamin D3 is far superior to D2 for its bioavailability and that 5,000 IU is a good dose to achieve vitamin D sufficiency and support all of the physiological mechanisms that vitamin D is involved in—including functions that support skin cells.*

I started taking a vitamin D3 supplement with 5,000 IU potency, and my skin health did begin to improve—but not as much as I had hoped.* After taking a hard look at the ingredient list of my supplement, I decided to research other options. 

It was through that research that I discovered mindbodygreen's vitamin D3 potency+.

Why I love mbg's skin-nourishing vitamin D supplement

When I first read the ingredient list of vitamin D3 potency+, making the switch was a no-brainer. In addition to this 5,000 IU vitamin D3 itself being organic (and coming from a sustainable plant-origin algal source), it also has a trio of avocado, olive, and flaxseed oils—all of which are super nourishing to skin cells.* (And as a bonus, healthy fats also aid vitamin D's absorption!)*

I also love mindbodygreen's high-quality amber glass packaging for its sustainability, ability to retain the supplements' quality (especially those organic oils), and aesthetic (obviously).

I've been taking mbg vitamin D3 potency+ every night for about two months now, and it has made a massive improvement in my skin's clarity and hydration—even compared to the vitamin D3 supplement I was taking before.* I feel like my body is less reactive to foods thanks to upping my vitamin D intake, and my skin health wholeheartedly reflects that.* Even the tougher, more stubborn areas of my skin are improving!* 

The takeaway

I can't recommend mindbodygreen's vitamin D3 potency+ enough. After the health benefits I've seen in a short amount of time, I don't ever see myself stopping my daily vitamin D supplementation. 

If you've struggled with skin-related concerns like me, consider trying this incredibly nourishing vitamin D supplement for yourself—you won't regret it!*

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.
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