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Why Clearing Space At Home Is So Important (And How It's Done, According To Feng Shui)

Dana Claudat
April 25, 2018
Dana Claudat
Designer & Feng Shui Master
By Dana Claudat
Designer & Feng Shui Master
Dana Claudat is a modern Feng Shui Master and founder of The School Of Intention Feng Shui Certification Program. She holds a B.A. from Stanford University.
Photo by Arnel Hasanovic
April 25, 2018

Dana Claudat is part of the mbg Collective, a curated group of our most trusted wellness advisers. Since 2009, we’ve had the brightest, most passionate mission-driven leaders in wellness share their intimate stories and world-class advice. Now, we’re giving you unparalleled access to the people who, alongside mbg, are putting the “WE” back in wellness. Consider them your personal guides, there to support you and sustain you on your journey.

Space clearing is a way to shake up the stagnant energy in a space. And according to feng shui philosophy, when you clear your home, you create freedom and openness in the rest of your life too.

Space clearing is quite literally decluttering the energy in your life, and the practice has gone mainstream in recent years. (By now, I’m guessing almost all of us have come across sage sticks, gorgeous crystals, and maybe some chimes and Tibetan bowls.) One thing people don't realize about space clearing is that it can be practical as well as mystical. It can look like burning herbs and resins in ceremony or making big decisions and clearing clutter.

Creating your own space-clearing routine can build major momentum in your life. And you can clear space every day, even in a small way.

Your action plan for clearing space in your home.

Here are a few mystical, a few practical, and a few lesser-known ways to clear space that I always recommend to clients:

  1. Take walks or stretch a lot when you feel like you’re in a rut.
  2. Try some scrubbing or polishing at home when you’re looking to make a fresh start in some way.
  3. Burn some sage or other herbs regularly—and do it with intention. It’s not just the sage wand that clears your space; your energy clears your space.
  4. Keep the energy moving. Even the smallest daily practice of space-making, like a five-minute decluttering routine, can help build momentum.

The benefits of space clearing I've seen after working with thousands of clients:

1. It helps you stay nimble.

If you’ve been stuck on how things "should" be, getting into a practice of clearing space can be a daily reminder that there are so many ways that your dreams can come to you. From clearing clutter to deciding to ditch an old habit, it all opens up life to new possibilities.

2. You'll worry less.

Worry and clutter tend to be synonymous. Clutter is all the stuff that’s too overwhelming to confront right now. As it piles up, our anxiety tends to pile up too. Even a bit more clear space can turn the tides away from worry and toward solutions.

3. You'll be more mindful of your surroundings.

Something as simple as slowly passing through your house with a sage stick can make you notice where things have piled up and should be organized.

4. You'll be more focused.

In feng shui element theory, focus is related to the energy of metal. So something as simple as dusting, vacuuming, or clearing your metal spaces might be the key to increasing your focus.

5. You'll manifest more.

Space clearing of all kinds opens doors. When a room is full of heaviness, it’s hard to stay light and positive. When a day is crammed full of things you don’t want, it’s hard to welcome in more new things you do want. If you’ve had a hard time "making things happen," try clearing your home of heavy energy and see what ideas and opportunities come walking in.

6. Creative magic comes to life.

When energy flows through you, creativity happens. As the genius of creative awakening Julia Cameron says, "The creative process is a process of surrender, not control." When you feel stagnant or blocked, it’s easy to lean into controlling and overthinking mode. That’s not your most elevated genius. Try taking a break and waking up your home's energy with some freshly watered plants, some incredible music, and some more clear space.

7. Break your own limitations.

One of the greatest benefits of making space in your life is that it takes you out of any hard-and-fast routines and thought patterns and into a more unlimited mindset. It can help you find new ways to work, new inspired ideas, and new plans.

Snag more feng shui tips from Dana! Here are her favorite ways to revamp your office space and clear your life of negativity.

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