This Is *Exactly* What To Do (& What To Avoid) If Your Ear Piercing Gets Infected

Sure, ear piercings come with a certain level of discomfort (some types more than others), but as a professional piercer once told me: The puncture step is only the first part of the battle; the aftercare is where the real work begins. Case in point? Infected ear piercings.
They're totally common—an ear piercing is an open wound, after all, and the site can be pretty temperamental as it heals—but you can treat a mild case at home. If you wake up to a throbbing, itchy, or, uh, crusty ear, check out these expert do's and don'ts to heal the area safely. You'll be showing off your ear candy in no time.
How to tell if your piercing is infected.
To be clear, infection is not the same thing as irritation, even though people commonly conflate the two. "Slight bleeding, 'crusties' (dead skin cells), swelling, tenderness, itching, bruising, or soreness are all normal symptoms of a new piercing,” says Shannon Freed, senior manager of piercing operations at Studs.
A true infection, on the other hand, happens when bacteria enters the piercing site (via masks, headphones, headbands, glasses, etc.). "We don't want those items that are resting in, on, or around the ears to introduce bacteria to the site of your new piercings," notes registered nurse Samantha Alvarado, R.N., head of nurse training at Rowan. In some cases, it can result in fever, chills, and drainage—more severe symptoms that require a trip to the doctor.
Because a piercing is technically classified as a puncture wound (albeit a tiny one), healing rates do vary from person to person—and thus, some people experience more irritation than others. For example, you might overcome the tenderness around the six-month mark, while someone else with an identical piercing may still notice swelling or itching after a year. Everyone's ear anatomy is different.
How to heal and prevent irritation.
If you're dealing with a true infection and its accompanying symptoms, please give your doctor a ring, as you may need medication to assist with healing. For run-of-the-mill irritation, though, you may see success with these at-home tweaks:
Don't touch!
It may be tempting, especially if you're dealing with itch, but don't twirl or probe the earring. Not only can tinkering with the piercing agitate the piercing even more, but dirty fingertips can also potentially introduce bacteria to the site, which can lead to a full-blown infection down the line.
Rinse with saline.
Both Alvarado and Freed agree: A simple flush with saline is all you need to clean the site. Most professionals will supply you with a sterile solution to spritz on the piercing, but Freed says even warm water will do the trick. Simply turn your ear up to the shower spray for a few seconds to wash away any grime.
Don't over-clean.
"Some people don't know that it is possible to actually over-clean your piercings, which can cause unnecessary irritation," says Freed. "You do not need to use anything more serious than saline." Alvarado seconds the advice, also noting that potent disinfectants like rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide can even slow down the healing process. "These products can actually dry out the site and, more importantly, they can wash away the beneficial bacteria that we need to heal."
Yep, the skin on your ear also contains colonies of bacteria that help with a number of processes, one of which is to aid wound healing. When a strong antibacterial wipes out all those good and necessary bacteria, you may face an impaired skin barrier—and all the itchy, dry symptoms that come with it.
You also might think that coating the piercing with creams and ointments can speed up healing time, but Alvarado says this only exacerbates the issue: "For two reasons," she explains. "One is that dirt and bacteria can actually stick to the ointment, introducing it to the site. And the other reason is that it can clog the piercing hole. You want to promote airflow at the site to expedite wound healing."
Clean your jewelry and ear-adjacent items regularly.
Cleaning your earrings regularly is a must, as the posts can accumulate oil, leftover hair products, and overall gunk. A good rule of thumb is to wipe down the jewelry every time you change accessories (here's a how-to, if you're curious). As for ear-adjacent items (headphones, masks, headbands, at the like), make sure you're giving them a proper wash, too. "They can harbor bacteria otherwise," notes Alvarado. Check out our at-home cleaning guides for headphones, masks, and headbands and hair ties.
Try not to sleep on it.
It's a common tale: You may think your piercing has fully healed (yay!), only to find it angry and tender after sleeping on it for a few nights (sob!). If this happens, try not to sleep on the piercing until the swelling goes down, if you can—the pressure can irritate the site further (except for conch piercings, which are protected inside the conchal bowl).
The takeaway.
It's important to differentiate between an irritated piercing and an infected one, even if you may use the terms interchangeably in conversation—the latter can turn quite serious if it's not treated by a professional. You can always visit your piercer or doctor for an irritated piercing, too (and some studios allow follow-up appointments to answer any healing-related questions), but these care tips above should have you covered.