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How To Strengthen Your Faith (Whatever That Means To You) In The New Year

Sarah Regan
January 04, 2024
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Woman having spiritual experience - Stronger Together
Image by mbg creative X PeopleImages / Stocksy
January 04, 2024
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"Strong" is our word for 2024. And building strength is about so much more than spending time at the weight rack (though that's important too!). Follow along with mindbodygreen this month as we explore how to cultivate strong nutrition, strong relationships, and a strong sense of self in the new year. 

Faith can mean a lot of different things, depending on who you ask. But regardless of which religion you follow—or whether you identify with any particular religion at all—faith, in some shape or form, has a place in all of our lives.

And according to psychologist and author of The Awakened Brain Lisa Miller, Ph.D., there are a few keys to turning your faith into inspired action this year. So, if you're hoping to strengthen your own faith in 2024, here's what Miller recommends.

Why your faith practice deserves a spot on your resolutions list

All too often, Miller tells mindbodygreen, our New Year's resolutions are about "me, myself, and I." But when it comes to faith, she explains, our role in the universe extends far beyond ourselves—and so we have to widen our lens.

Rather than asking your higher power for strength to reach your goals, for instance, you could ask how to be of service. It's asking, "What do you ask of me now? How am I to be?" Miller says.

"We don't need to know our next move, and we don't need to plan, but we do have the opportunity to see how we're being guided, to see how we are being instruments or messengers of God—and that is the ultimate path." In doing so, she notes, we open up a dialogue with God. (Editor's note: Miller refers to God throughout this piece, but you can replace this with whatever you like to call your higher power or connection to the universe.)

Opening ourselves up to a higher power using the steps below could make it easier to feel guided by our own connection to spirit. This can help us start taking aligned action that benefits those around us.

Doing so comes with some major science-backed benefits for our mental health, as well. As the founder and director of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute at Columbia, Miller spends her time studying the neuroscience of the spiritual brain. And her MRI research has demonstrated how maintaining a sense of faith actually strengthens key brain regions—yet another reason to put these tips into practice this year.

How to put your faith into actionable practice

Here's an actionable routine to help you establish and strengthen your faith practice in 2024, according to Miller.

Set a strong base:


Ground in spiritual awareness

First things first, Miller recommends grounding in spiritual awareness. This isn't quite the same as the "grounding" we think about when we're feeling stressed or frazzled. Rather, it means cultivating the divine awareness within you that makes you feel connected to an inherently loving and guiding presence greater than yourself.

This could entail dusting off a rusty prayer that you once recited years ago, taking a walk in nature in which you open yourself to creation, meditating, or doing a spiritual mind-body practice like yoga.

"However you ground in awakening," she adds, "you've opened up a dialogue with God, and now you are in a living connection with God. It's not a belief—it is a deep seed of awareness."


Sustain this awareness

Step 2, Miller says, is sustaining this seed of awareness—as in, continue to practice step 1, staying grounded in your spiritual awareness and continuing to cultivate your relationship with a higher power. Like any spiritual practice, the more you practice this, Miller says, the easier it will be to stay attuned to God's presence in your life.

"Now, every day, every moment, you are in a sustained relationship with God. You've just walked into a step-by-step, lived relationship with God that involves hearing and being present and paying attention to God's beautiful guidance. You are living in a three-dimensional prayer," Miller explains.


Watch for signs & synchronicities

As your seed of awareness begins to grow and blossom, don't be surprised when signs, dreams, and synchronicities start popping up like nobody's business. This is real information, according to Miller, who considers it to be "profoundly certain, life-giving guidance."

Of course, she tells mindbodygreen, the key with signs and synchronicities is to pay attention and act on them. "And that has to do with trusting your deepest seed of knowing and trusting God's voice in you," she explains, adding, "God lays before us symbolic guidance. Trusting [those] synchronicities and acting on them is your new M.O."

The level-up:

Faith, spirituality, and religion as a whole all serve as a means for us to feel connection to a high power, yes—but lest we forget our role in the big picture and what our faith can do for all of creation.

As Miller puts it, "You are a very important part of our collective prayer, God's symphony. Just as there's a synchronicity before you, you're a synchronicity for someone else." To that end, she explains, you never know when you could be the very sign someone else was looking for.

And so, she says, faith is so much more than a spiritual meeting with yourself. "It is about living in deep contribution. You are a messenger, an instrument of God, or whatever word is yours—and it is an amazing way to live. Just as God loves, holds, and guides us, we are built to be instruments of loving, holding, and guiding."

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