How To Recognize When The Universe Gives You A Sign (And Make It Happen More Often)

We receive far more signs from the universe than we realize. As a professional intuitive, part of my job is to help people pick up on signs they might otherwise miss. These points will help you recognize the divine guidance you are missing as well as increase the number of signs you receive on a daily basis:
1. Ask for more signs.
Humans were gifted free will as a way to help co-create their journey here on earth, and in my book Angel Insights, I encourage people to think of themselves as powerful spiritual beings. Using your free will to ask for signs is a guaranteed way to receive more guidance, as the universe, in most cases, will respect many of your free will choices. Asking for signs is simple. You can write a short note to your spiritual guidance squad in your journal or briefly ask the universe for signs in your thoughts, prayers, or meditations. The universe is always listening!
2. Learn about signs.
Familiarize yourself with common signs or the ways the universe typically communicates with you. Spirit animals, numbers, synchronicities or meaningful coincidences, wise words from loved ones or even snippets of conversation overheard on the street, music, the four psychic clairs, and prophetic dreams are all common ways for the universe to send you guidance. You can become a seasoned sign connoisseur!
3. Acknowledge the signs.
Write about the signs you receive in your journal, ponder them in the shower, or talk about them with a trusted friend, partner, or roommate. When the universe sees a sign registered with you, it will know that you are becoming more open to guidance and send more guidance. Remember that you receive more signs than you think, so if something feels like a sign to you, it probably is. A good rule of thumb is to notice how the sign registers with you—does time seem to slow down, does the moment feel heavy with meaning, or do you get a physical reaction when the sign comes (like chills on your body)? If the sign keeps popping up in your thoughts hours or even days afterward, it’s definitely something to pay attention to.
4. Interpret the signs.
Find the initial meaning and let the sign sit on you for a few days to discern even more or deeper meanings. This is something I recommend people do with oracle cards. I sometimes use oracle cards for a small portion of my sessions with clients. When I turn a card over, I will receive a strong initial message about what this card means for my client, and then a few more messages will float in. Seeing a message on a billboard or book cover that speaks to you might trigger a few epiphanies. Signs can be full of layered meaning.
5. Act on the signs.
Guidance from the universe always increases when we take appropriate action steps after experiencing a sign. Humans are like action heroes. The universe loves it when we take action steps to co-create our reality. This is why if we take one step toward our dreams, our dreams seem to take 10 steps toward us. Signs are meant to make us change our attitude, perspective, or decisions, so when you receive a sign, notice how it is asking you to change.
What do you do once you receive a sign? Here's how to surrender to diving timing.

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