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10 Things To Do At Home To Make Way For An Abundant 2021

Dana Claudat
December 21, 2020
Dana Claudat
Designer & Feng Shui Master
By Dana Claudat
Designer & Feng Shui Master
Dana Claudat is a modern Feng Shui Master and founder of The School Of Intention Feng Shui Certification Program. She holds a B.A. from Stanford University.
Wooden Cabinet With Decorative Items In Modern Room
Image by Dreamwood Photography / Stocksy
December 21, 2020

After the 2020 we've had, starting the new year with a clean slate feels even more meaningful. Here are 10 things I'm looking forward to doing at home in the coming weeks to set myself up for a bright year ahead:


Take stock of what the year has brought you.

As a new year begins, it can be incredibly useful and empowering to gather up the wisdom you gained in the last 12 months. What have you learned about yourself? Did you gain new skills, overcome or find new ways to manage challenges, or even find success in ways you weren't anticipating? Write it all down. 

This is the stuff that can get skipped over in the rush to turn the page on the calendar, but the wisdom in these lessons can be your greatest gift as you set your sights on the next chapter.


Commit to the new. 

Very literally, commit to doing one significantly new thing a day in the new year. It can be simple: One day you might learn a new word to expand your vocabulary. Another, you might learn a new recipe or walk through a new part of your neighborhood. 

Actively seeing new experiences for the fun of it every day shakes up the old patterns and widens your horizons in simple but powerful ways. 


Share your wealth.

Clearing clutter is an essential part of making way for a fresh start. As we round out the year, you can get deeper in your clutter clearing by identifying items you like but really don't need. If you can, donate and gift these things to those who could really use them.

For example, I have many sets of plush towels, and I truly don't need them all (as much as I like them). Local dog rescues really need them, so that's a great donation I can make this week. There are amazing charities that collect professional clothing in great shape and style for those in need who are starting new careers. If you have a surplus of anything, chances are there is a place you can send it to make a positive impact while you lighten your own home. (First, just make sure they are accepting donations!)


Re-curate the things you look at all day long.

If you look at the same things every day—the same objects on your desk, the same arrangement of books on your shelves, etc.—they can start to get stale. Challenge yourself to revamp the spaces you see all day long, even if it means just moving the same things around in a new arrangement, for a quick home refresh.


Create new playlists.

Music is the soundtrack of our days, and new playlists bring new energy to your home. Pick themes for your new-year music that support your goals, and let that music keep you naturally motivated.


Do one thing to get your finances in order.

While this can be a hard topic to confront for a multitude of reasons, when you get your money in order and adjust (or create) a plan for your finances, it can empower you to create more abundance. 


Deep clean your stove.

In feng shui, a clean stove is a major energy booster at home. Before the year's end, set aside a little time for this important appliance (here's a guide on how to clean your stove without harsh chemicals), and watch your whole kitchen perk up.


Write and edit your goals until they feel incredibly magnetic. 

Put everything that you want to create in this new chapter down on paper. Don't stop there: Keep on adding details while crossing out what feels uninspired or forced. The more clear, straightforward, and exciting your list is in the end, the more you'll want to bring it to life.


Reorganize your tech.

Delete old files, upgrade your systems, back up what's vital on a hard drive or cloud storage, delete old apps, dump emails...and turn off your phone notifications from social media while you're at it. An organized digital life can spill out into your analog one.


And...celebrate yourself every day! 

Celebrating yourself more—whether with extra self-care, self-congratulations, alone time, etc.—is a great habit to get into at any time, but especially after a difficult year.

Enjoy it all! I'm wishing you all the greatest fresh starts and a new year full of well-being, joy, and abundance.

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