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What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Watch Out For As Mercury Goes Retrograde

Sarah Regan
Author: Expert reviewer:
June 01, 2021
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
The AstroTwins
Expert review by
The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
What each zodiac sign needs to watch out for now that Mercury's in Retrograde
Image by JACQUES VAN ZYL / Stocksy
June 01, 2021

Mercury retrograde is notorious for screwing up communication, bringing ex-flings back into our lives, and even messing with technology. And lucky (or not) for us, we'll be in a Mercury retrograde period from May 29 to June 22 this year. Here's what your zodiac sign needs to know to navigate it with ease, according to the AstroTwins.


For Aries, this Mercury retrograde falls in Gemini and your communicative third house. As such, major communication issues could arise over the next three weeks, so try to hold off any important conversations before then, and tread lightly. The twins suggest watching for a tendency to exaggerate or manipulate to get your way. "Stay in your integrity," they say, "even if you have to let an easy one get away!"


Bad news for the often luxurious Taurus—Mercury is going retrograde in your money zone this time around, and you might have to be more mindful with your budget. The twins recommend holding off on big purchases, being intentional with spending, and mapping out what steps you need to take to reach financial security over the next few weeks.


Gemini, this Mercury retrograde is taking place in your sign, and your first house of self. The twins say it can be easy to feel nostalgic around this time, as you revel in your past, "but don't start reliving your former mistakes," they say. Mixed signals can also make communication difficult, so you may want to lay low over the next few weeks. In the meantime, "Stay alert for opportunities others might have glossed over," they suggest.


Mercury turns retrograde in your 12th house of healing and conclusions this time around, Cancer, and the twins say you may need to bolster your boundaries if you feel stuck in a cycle. "You don't have to confront a problematic person about their troubling behavior—but do make time for introspection," they add. Reflect on your role in relationships and what might need to change.


In true Mercury retrograde fashion, this one falls in your teamwork and technology zone, Leo. There's definitely some potential for conflict to come, whether among friends or colleagues. But according to the twins, you can play peacemaker and help ease the tension. Remember to "play well with others," they add, and try not to look at everything with hypercritical eyes.


Feeling professional, Virgo? Mercury will be retrograding in your 10th house of career advancement, making it a good time to assess your "master plan," the twins say. If things aren't looking how you want them to, it might be time to make some adjustments. "Brainstorm ways to approach your career challenges from a fresh angle," they say, adding, "you'll be ready to jump back into the action by the time Mercury resumes forward motion on June 22."


It hasn't been easy for anyone to travel recently, Libra, and as Mercury retrogrades to your ninth house of travel and expansion, the wanderlust will be strong. Ask yourself if you're able to safely make any trips over the next few weeks, and remember, should you go anywhere, always have a backup plan should things go awry (as they often do during retrograde season).


Scorpio, you're already known as a sign that's not particularly trusting, and as Mercury retrogrades through your eighth house of bonding and joint efforts, you may feel extra skeptical. "Don't let jealousy get the better of you," the twins say, adding, "if it feels like someone is being shady, don't launch into impulsive accusations."

Be honest with yourself about the way you're feeling, but do a little digging and get your facts straight first, the twins suggest.


This Mercury retrograde might hit your relationships hard, Sag, as it moves through your seventh house of partnerships. The twins suggest working on any relationship inequities during the next few weeks and being honest about how you're feeling with your partner. Just remember, communication can get scrambled around this time, so plan what you want to say in advance to avoid making the situation even worse, they add.


For Capricorns, Mercury turns retrograde in the detail-oriented sixth house. The twins suggest proofing any text or email you may send and not rushing through things over the next few weeks. Your diet and exercise efforts could also be thrown off by this retrograde, the twins add, so consider a lighter exercise schedule, food prepping, and life hacks to make everything easier.


Mercury retrograde can bring former flings back into our lives—especially for Aquarius, as this transit falls in their fifth house (aka the love zone). "Fight the urge to cyberstalk your ex or reach out to that toxic (but sexy) former fling," the twins advise, adding that current couples can also feel like they're hitting a wall. "The gift of the retrograde is that it reveals stuck patterns and helps you take a deeper look," they add.


This Mercury retrograde might be a bit emotional (no surprise) for you, Pisces. Feeling prickly? Mercury turns retrograde in your emotional and domestic fourth house, so you'll want to steer clear of obvious triggers and people you don't want to be around. "If you're able to discuss things without playing the blame game, fractured bonds might soon be repaired," the twins add.

No matter your sign, from May 29 to June 22, we'd all be well served to take things slow, backup our devices, and resist the urge to talk to that ex. It's only three weeks, but it can be a wild ride—so hang on tight.

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