How Do You Actually Manifest Money? Allow Me To Let You In On A Secret

Manifestation has increased in popularity by leaps and bounds, but what exactly is it, and how can you use it to call in more financial abundance?
Here, we're unpacking what people get wrong about manifesting money, plus how you can actually do it.
What manifestation really is.
Manifestation is the act of becoming aware of something that is already there. It's personal growth and development combined with spirituality, and it can help you achieve your financial dreams. By connecting spirit, mind, and body as one, you can manifest the experience you desire today, including monetarily.
When people ask me how to manifest, I always say it's not about the how, it's more about the who—who you are. It has more to do with how you see yourself, how you see others, and how you perceive and interact with your world. If you want a different life, then you need to think, feel and behave differently.
Manifestation is always at work—we're always bringing something into the physical form through our thoughts. But most people are actually just manifesting their biggest fears (i.e., their worries about their business not growing and their need for more money), which creates more need for more money.
And when it comes to specific ways to manifest money, unfortunately, there isn't a magic wand or specific phrase that will bring an abundance of money to you. However, it is pretty simple: Manifesting money happens within you.
While manifestation has become a trendy topic thanks to social media, I believe some areas of manifestation are often misleading and misunderstood. For example, a specific color or mantra doesn't exactly attract money, rather it comes down to our feelings around manifesting money and taking the proper steps to bring manifestation into your life.
9 ways to manifest money:
Understand the laws of attraction and vibration.
Money is a response to a vibration that you are holding. It's the "vibration" of abundance and prosperity that literally attracts in more abundance and prosperity. The best way to manifest money is to feel as if you have it already. You can feel like you have money even if it's $10—it's the act of having gratitude for abundance and prosperity.
Check out these guides to the law of attraction and the law of vibration for more information.
Get specific.
Another key thing to understand for manifesting money is that it comes where it is needed. Don't just ask for more money—ask for what the money will be used for. For example, you may want to purchase a car, go on more vacations, pay off school loans, etc.
Get comfortable with the feeling of spending.
Most people have buyer's remorse. They spend money on something they want and feel bad about it almost immediately after. This feeling comes from lack and limitation and feeling like, "I do not have enough money, so when I spend, it feels gross."
What I'm suggesting is that you spend the same amount of money you do now but feel very different when you do. Instead of feeling like you don't have enough, feel like you "have" the money. Be grateful and thankful and truly enjoy your purchase. This puts you on the frequency of abundance.
Try the 369 method.
The 369 method involves writing down what you would like to manifest three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times at night. The purpose of this method is to reprogram the subconscious mind with focused attention and repetition. It allows someone to enter into the feeling of whatever it is you're writing.
However, if you don't change how you see and think about money, and just write a financial amount out over and over again, this likely won't work—which will lead to frustration. The key is to change how you think and behave around money, but this method is helpful for initial shifts in your focus and for goal setting.
Put yourself in abundant environments.
While you might not have millions of dollars in the bank right now, you can put yourself in environments where that kind of money is present. For example, go walk around the most expensive neighborhood in your town, follow accounts of wealthy people, and peruse high-end stores.
And sometimes little changes can be powerful too. Instead of buying cheap coffee, spend a little more and elevate your coffee, or skip the plastic water bottle and drink water out of a crystal glass. There are so many ways to operate on a frequency of wealth without needing any money. What happens is you are putting your focus on abundance and you're seeing all the abundance available—that's what is going to help the most.
Keep money in your wallet or write yourself a check.
Put a $100 bill in your wallet and leave it there if you can. Every time you open up your wallet and see the money in there, it will make you feel rich. It's also a reminder that there is always more money available to you. You could even write yourself a check with your name on it for a certain amount of money too.
Try pairing crystals with your intention.
Crystals alone will not help you manifest money; they can only amplify the feeling that you're already in. For example, clear quartz is an amplifier, so if you have the mindset, "I need money, I'm so poor," and you pick up the crystal, all you're doing is amplifying that mindset. You need to get yourself operating on a plane of abundance and prosperity, then the crystal will amplify that.
Use affirmations.
Affirmations can be tricky. If you use one for too long, then you end up affirming a lack of true belief. For example, the more you have to say "Money comes to me continuously and easily," the more you may not actually accept the affirmation to be true. Your mind could even follow up with "No it doesn't." The key is to have faith in the new belief, believe it, and let it go. What if it was really true?
Visualize, visualize, visualize.
Visualizations are a very important tactic when it comes to manifesting. Visualize money in your bank account, your salary increasing, or telling your kids about the trip you just booked for them. And for what it's worth, the best times to visualize are first thing in the morning and before bed.
Vision boards can also be helpful here. However, make sure to ask yourself, "Who do I need to be to manifest this vision board?" You're creating a new lifestyle for yourself on the vision board, but the internal work still needs to be done. The personal growth and development that is required to become who you want to be in order to manifest is the real work.
A note on getting started.
You might be asking yourself, where do I even start? And to that end, the first step is self-awareness. Try to understand who you are and get to know yourself. What are the thought patterns that hold you back? You have to look within yourself to become the best version of you.
Be the most inspired, empowered, and grateful version of yourself. If you are constantly living with negative thoughts and have a scarcity mindset, you have to let that go in order to make room for abundance.
Make sure you're spiritually connected and aligned: Meditation, visualization, reading, studying, and believing in something greater than yourself are all ways to become spiritually centered.
The next step is to go into the intellectual mind and create a new idea. As it relates to money, the new idea is prosperity and abundance. You're going to reprogram all the beliefs you have about money using the intellectual mind. That's manifestation!
If you think money is hard to make, then it will remain hard. But if you shift your belief to it being easier or effortless, then you will start to experience that in your world. Even shifting your perspective to all the times it has come easily would be helpful.
Lastly, it's important to move differently when it comes to money. How can you feel differently with it, spend in a new way, and use money, not let it use you?
Do money affirmations work?
For money affirmations to work, the key is to have faith in the new belief, believe it, and let it go. You'll still need to change how you think and behave around money, but this method is helpful for initial shifts in your focus and for goal setting.
Why am I not attracting money?
You may not be attracting money because you are operating in a negative, scarcity mindset that's reinforcing feelings of lack. You may also not be specific enough with your goals, or aren't properly following through with action.
What is the 369 rule?
The 369 rule involves writing down what you would like to manifest three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times at night. The purpose of this method is to reprogram the subconscious mind with focused attention and repetition.
What should I keep in my wallet to manifest money?
Keep a $100 in your wallet and leave it there to help manifest money. Every time you see it, it will make you feel rich and remind you that there is more money available to you.
What do you say when manifesting?
Speak as if what you have is already here, focusing on the language you use. When people say, "I'm manifesting money," you're actually keeping the money away. I would recommend saying, "I've asked for this money and it's on the way to me," or "I'm a millionaire."
The takeaway.
Manifestation is becoming aware of a version of yourself you perhaps never thought was there. This shift in identity then changes what you bring into your life—and you can manifest anything, including better relationships, a change in your business, self-love, health and so much more. All of these tools and techniques can be applied to anything you want to manifest.
The biggest takeaway here is that you must put in the time to get to know yourself and change your thinking. There is no luck, but there is intention. Your personal transformation awaits!