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How To Vision Board With A Partner To Plan A Shared Future

Sarah Regan
January 11, 2021
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Stylish Man And Woman Working In Design Studio
Image by Javier Díez / Stocksy
January 11, 2021
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When we think about vision boards, we typically imagine a physical (or digital) board with images and quotes that remind us of what we want out of life. But vision boarding doesn't always need to be a solo project!

Making a board with your partner is a great way for couples to give life to their shared vision. Here, we discuss how to do it with podcast host and author of Marriage and the Law of Attraction Paulette Sherman M.A., PsyD, who makes a vision board with her husband before every new year.

The value of couples vision boarding.

Just as making your own board can help you visualize your goals, it's a great way for couples to get on the same page and create a shared vision, Sherman tells mbg. "You get to learn about your partner's dreams and goals—and vice versa."

Once you've made your board, it can serve as a reminder of what you want to move toward together as a couple. Whether your board is full of travel inspo, date nights, or financial goals, the important thing is you and your partner are using it to get clear on what you both want.

It's exciting, motivating, and, not for nothing, simply a fun activity the two of you can do together. It can also be a family affair and something everyone in your household tackles together.

How to get started:

The process of making a vision board with a partner is fairly similar to making a personal vision board.

You'll just be using the board to showcase goals for the two of you as a couple, as well as each of your individual goals (with the knowledge that you will be there to support each other in all these endeavors).


  • A pile of old magazines
  • A poster board
  • Some glue sticks or tape
  • Scissors
  • Markers


  1. Spend some time cutting out pictures that inspire you. "You don't need to know why they inspire you," Sherman notes. If there's something you definitely want on the board but can't find in your magazines, go ahead and print it out! "It's good to include pictures of you both or your family to customize it," she adds.
  2. Once you both have all your images, start to configure your board. (It can be helpful to lay everything out at first before gluing it all down.) As you go through your pictures with each other, you can discuss what each one represents to you.
  3. Once the pictures are in place, it's time to write words, mantras, or affirmations that relate to your relationship or goals on the board.
  4. When your board is complete, display it somewhere and make a plan to come back to it periodically.

When we make our dreams and goals visible and tangible, they become that much more real in our minds. And when we can do that with a partner, not only does it strengthen the relationship and foster a sense of connection, but it helps the two of you get clear on what you both want for the future. And if nothing else, it's a fun craft to mix up date night.

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