What To Know For July's New Moon In Cancer, According To Astrologers

We're halfway through the calendar year and Cancer season is well underway, and that means the upcoming new moon is the perfect chance for a reset. Here's what to know for this lunar event, plus how to work with it, according to astrologers.
The astrology behind this month's new moon in Cancer
This month's new moon in Cancer arrives on July 17 at 2:32 pm EST, and according to astrology expert Imani Quinn, we'll all be feeling the Cancerian energy.
As a water sign, she explains, Cancer is sensitive, intuitive, and deeply loyal to their loved ones. And Cancer season itself, she adds, also marks the halfway point of the calendar year and the fertile energy of midsummer.
"So this is a great time to tap into two different aspects of cancer energy: One—because they're very loyal to their family, friends, and their community—you can be really intentional about who you're spending time with and making sure you're cultivating trust and love within the relationships that matter to you," Quinn says.
And two, she adds, this Cancer new moon can also serve as a chance to refresh your home (including the inner home you feel within yourself). "Cancers are very homey, so this new moon is giving us time to face ourselves, to look and address the parts of ourselves that make us uncomfortable that need to be seen—and they can be seen in the safety of our home," she explains.
Not to mention, each new moon begins the start of a 6-month lunar cycle, and in this case, we're looking at the six months between now and the full moon in Cancer on December 26. Quinn notes that this new moon can help us dig deeper into the emotional side of what we want to manifest over the next 6 months, helping to process your emotions to understand the root of how you're actually feelings.
And of course, you could literally refresh your home under this moon, too. As the AstroTwins recently wrote for mindbodygreen, you might feel inspired to remodel or redecorate, or even move house altogether. "La luna’s opposition to shadowy Pluto and a harmonious trine to spiritual Neptune sets the stage for feng shui, a deep decluttering, or a house-blessing ritual," they say.
Speaking of rituals, here's how Quinn and the twins recommend spending your new moon weekend.
How to work with this energy
Refresh your inner world (or your literal home)
As aforementioned, Cancer is the ultimate homebody of the zodiac, valuing comfort and security above all. If you could use a summer-refresh in your space, consider taking the day to deep clean, move some furniture around, or perform a cleansing ritual to clear out any stagnant energy.
Take a ritual bath
Given that Cancer is a water sign, it's never a bad idea to take a ritual bath under any water moon. Quinn tells mindbodygreen that spending time in water helps to alchemize and integrate your emotions, plus you can use the bath time as a chance to reflect on your emotions and what they're trying to teach you.
Here's our full guide to spiritual baths for more inspiration.
Do some candle magic
Lastly, candle magic is great for any new moon, simply requiring a tall glass candle of your choosing and your intention. You can choose a candle color that aligns with your intention, and burn it on the day of the new moon and in the days throughout this lunar cycle, thinking of your intention each time you burn it.
As Quinn adds, never blow out your candle when doing candle magic, as this can "blow away" your intention. Instead, snuff it out. As your candle burns, you can also ask for spiritual guidance regarding your intentions.
The takeaway
Whether you spend this Cancer new moon redecorating your home or doing any of your favorite new moon rituals, the big takeaway to this moon is embracing and understanding your emotions, while also cultivating the relationships that mean the most to you.