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This Fruit Is Shockingly Easy To Start Growing In Your Kitchen

Sarah Regan
July 12, 2021
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Image by Nadine Greeff / Stocksy
July 12, 2021
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Blueberries are a summertime staple, and for good reason. The tasty little berries are packed with antioxidants, polyphenols, fiber, and phytonutrients that can help out with brain and gut health. And did you know you can grow your own blueberry bush right in your home? Here's how.

How to grow a blueberry bush.

In a TikTok that's now garnered over 5.5 million views, Armen Adamjan (aka @creative_explained) shows how you can grow your own blueberry plant with just a single blueberry.

First, fill a small planter (ideally one with drainage holes) with well-draining soil, and grab your single berry. Organic is best here, as conventional produce can be treated with chemicals that restrict growth and sprouting. Squeeze the blueberry between your fingers to help release its seeds, and place it in a little well of soil in your planter. Cover it with just a bit of soil.

Water it lightly at first, opting for a mister if you have one. Then, cover your soil with a cup or bottle to help create a humid space for the seeds to thrive. Soon enough, with any luck, you'll start to see some leaves sprouting up. Once you do, water your plant every week or so to ensure its soil stays moist but not soggy.

It can take a few years for the bush to grow to the point that it starts producing fruit, and by then, you'll need to plant it outside. But until that point, it can be a lovely (and fruitful!) houseplant to add to your collection.

Other foods that are even easier to grow at home.

Blueberries are, of course, not the only food that you can cultivate in your home kitchen. U.K.-based author of Regrown Paul Anderton tells mbg that scallions are super easy to multiply, too. Simply leave a few inches of your scallion on the root and place it in a cup of freshwater: "Change it once a day," he says, "and within a couple of weeks, it'll almost have grown back."

The same can be said for romaine, bok choy, leeks, celery, and fennel. All you have to do is place the bulb in a container, fill it with enough water to cover half of it, and put it somewhere with plenty of sunlight. "I love leeks because I just leave them in some water and let them grow, and they flower and create quite a beautiful bouquet," Anderton adds.

Herbs like basil and chives are a breeze as well, and even your avocado pits can blossom into an avocado tree with some TLC and a bit of patience. Ginger is another kitchen superstar that can be regrown with a little know-how.

Moral of the story: A lot of our food scraps can be repurposed into something beautiful, edible, or both. As Anderton says, "It breaks my heart that they're living plants trying to have a go at regrowing themselves, and we're just throwing them away."

So next time you're munching on some blueberries and drop one on the floor or find one that's bruised, rather than tossing it, why not grab a planter, some soil, and welcome your newest little plant to the family?

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