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How To Find Your Life Path Number In Numerology & What It Can Tell You

Sarah Regan
May 11, 2024
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
May 11, 2024
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You might know your big three in astrology, and maybe even your enneagram type, but if you haven't calculated your numerology life path number yet, it might be worth considering.

Similar to your sun sign in astrology, your life path number can tell you a lot about—you guessed it—your life path. In numerology, numbers are believed to hold vibrations, and all you need to find your life path number is your date of birth.

Here's how, plus what it can tell you about your personality, relationships, career, and life's mission.

What is a life path number?

Your life path number is the most important number in numerology, and it can reveal your soul mission and life purpose, explains numerologist and author of You Are Cosmic CodeKaitlyn Kaerhart.

"This number will help you understand why you came here and what you are here to do," she notes, adding that it not only speaks to your strengths and talents but also the challenges you'll face in life.

According to numerologist Michelle Buchanan, numerology is based on the idea that every number (and letter) has its own unique energetic vibration.

"Numerology studies the way these vibrations influence the story of your life and personality," she previously wrote for mindbodygreen. So when you figure out your life path number, she adds, "you can start to uncover your destiny and the life lessons you will face along the way."

How to find your life path number

All you need to find your life path number is your full date of birth. Once you know the number, you can dive into what it means for you and how to work with it—but more on that later. For now, here's how to calculate it.

Write out your full birth date (i.e., 1969 rather than just 69). We'll use the example March 29, 1969.

Add up the individual digits, continuing to add them until you get a single-digit life path number between 1 and 9. March 29, 1969 (or 3-29-1969), would give you: 3+2+9+1+9+6+9 = 39. From there, 3+9 = 12, and 1+2 = 3. This birthday has a life path number of 3.

Life path number meanings

Life path 1: The independent leader

Life path 1s are the independent leaders of the world. According to Kaerhart, these people are proactive and represent the initiators, innovators, and visionaries of our society. "Self-doubt will be their biggest struggle to overcome. They must embrace their unique nature and learn to trust themselves," she adds.

Buchanan echoes this point, noting that 1s can often feel different from others. They must find the confidence and courage to walk a path less traveled and learn to embrace their individuality, she says.

Career-wise, these folks are suited for careers where they can work on their own (or at least be in charge), such as an independent contractor, a business owner, or a life coach, according to Buchanan. They're most compatible with life paths 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7.

Life path 2: The peacekeeper

Known as the peacekeepers, life path 2s are detail-oriented, nurturing, intuitive, creative, and supportive, Buchanan says. However, they must learn to love and believe in themselves—and learn to say no, she adds.

"As the most resilient number," Kaerhart explains, "the 2 leads with the heart just as much as it does with its rational mind. This is a number that reaches its long-term goals through consistent dedication."

Buchanan notes that this nurturing energy makes them ideal for careers that involve uplifting and empowering others, such as a counselor, energy worker, mediator, or teacher. Compatibility-wise, these people get along best with life paths 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 9.

Life path 3: The communicator

Life path 3s, or the communicators in numerology, tend to be more emotionally sensitive and highly empathetic, according to Kaerhart. They must learn the art of patience while dealing with conflict, she notes, adding they can become "caught up in negative aspects of self-expression, becoming judgmental or indulging in gossip."

Buchanan agrees that eliminating gossip and drama is necessary for this life path, adding that their lesson is to not exaggerate negativity or overdramatize problems.

With their natural gift for self-expression, communication, and creativity, Buchanan says 3's thrive as artists, musicians, dancers, or chefs. As far as compatibility goes, 3's mesh well with life paths 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 9.

Life path 4: The builder

The "builders" of society, Buchanan says, are systematic and methodical. Life path 4s make natural leaders and organizers, bringing stability to their environment, but they must learn to build a stable foundation (emotionally, physically, mentally, and materially) in their own lives.

As Kaerhart notes, these people can be inflexible and stubborn, so it's important they also learn not to project their incredibly high standards onto others, and even themselves.

Buchanan says career-wise, 4s make great managers, editors, accountants, and analysts. When it comes to compatibility, 4's will have the best luck with life paths 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8.

Life path 5: The traveler

"If this is your path," Kaerhart says, "expect to ride a cosmic wave of constant change and transformation throughout your lifetime." She notes that those with this life path are not meant to stay in one place or career their whole life but rather go out and explore all that they can.

That said, Buchanan adds, life path 5s must learn the art of moderation and find healthy ways to stimulate their senses.

Because they live for excitement and variety, these people thrive in careers involving travel and hospitality, event planning, communications, and marketing. Compatibility-wise, life path 5s will get along well with life paths 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.

Life path 6: The nurturer

The true caregivers of society, life path 6s love to help and be of service to others, according to Buchanan. But as you may have guessed, one of their biggest lessons is learning to find the balance between giving and receiving, Kaerhart notes.

"These are the people who will go to the ends of the earth for those they care about," she says, but they must not overstep others' boundaries, and must learn to balance their home and work life.

And speaking of work, these folks will feel fulfilled in a career that allows them to help others and be creative simultaneously, Buchanan explains. Think therapy, teaching, the arts, or coaching. In their relationships, 6's are typically most compatible with life paths 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 9.

Life path 7: The seeker

For life path 7s, nothing matters more than finding the answers to all of life's burning questions. As Kaerhart explains, "The biggest motivating factor in a 7's life lies in the pursuit of truth, knowledge and committing itself to a sacred calling."

According to Buchanan, they need to learn to communicate and express their emotions and affections. And as Kaerhart adds, they also must learn to trust their own gut and share their vision with the world.

Career-wise, 7s do well in jobs where they can be both contemplative and analytical, Buchanan says. They may find themselves drawn to careers in spirituality, philosophy, psychology, research, and health. These folks are most compatible with life paths 1, 4, 5, 7, and 9.

Life path 8: The powerhouse

Life path 8's, also known as "the powerhouse" of numerology, are ambitious, hardworking, and often very (materially) successful, according to Kaerhart. As the bridge between the material and spiritual world, she notes, these folks must learn to stay grounded with a strong sense of purpose in order to have a healthy relationship with money and power.

One of the biggest challenges for this life path is working through personal power issues—and learning not to let anything or anyone disempower them, Buchanan says, adding that they must also learn not to disempower others.

As talented leaders and problem solvers, Buchanan adds that these people are often drawn to self-employment or positions of authority. Think business advisers, property developers, lawyers, and politicians. Compatibility-wise, they get along best with life paths 2, 4, 6, and 8.

Life path 9: The humanitarian

Known as "the humanitarian," life path 9s are both creative and concerned with being of service to others. The number 9 is associated with endings, so Buchanan says this life path's biggest lesson is learning to accept, let go, and move on from any misfortune of the past.

As Kaerhart adds, they can also forget themselves in their quest to be of service to others, leading to them taking on too much. As such, "they must learn that sometimes holding on to attachments causes more pain than letting go," she says.

In their professional lives, these people thrive when working creatively for their community. They make great teachers, philanthropists, activists, and artists, she notes. Romantically, they're most compatible with life paths 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9.

Master life path numbers

There are three instances when your life path number may not be a single-digit number, but rather a two-digit "master number." Those numbers are 11, 22, and 33. If you calculated your life path number and it reduces to any of those three master numbers, you have a master number life path.

Master numbers are associated with struggle but, with that, achievement as well. Kaerhart explains that master numbers have heavy energy, as well as heavier lessons, giving these folks a lot of depth and great potential.

As an example, you might think 22 would reduce to four, or "the builder" life path—but 22 is actually like a supercharged four, she says, making them the "master architect."

Here's a closer look at master numbers 11, 22, and 33.

Life path number 11

If you're a life path 11, think of yourself as an amplified life path two. The life path 11 is highly sensitive, practically to the point of being psychic, Kaerhart explains. However, this sensitivity can lead to nervousness, skepticism, and scattered thinking, so it's important for these folks to be mindful of overthinking and mistrust while also listening to their inner voice and intuition.

Life path number 22

A life path 22 is going to be like a life path four to the extreme. Given that we know fours are the "builders" of numerology, Kaerhart says 22s are the "master architects." And if this is your life path number, congratulations, because she adds that 22 is the most powerful number in numerology. You're probably a productivity master, and you have the ability to do really great work in this lifetime.

Life path number 33

Finally, we have 33. As Kaerhart explains, 33 is all about unconditional love and higher consciousness. Consider life path sixes, who are nurturing and concerned with humanity. The life path 33 takes that loving energy to the next level, and is considered to be the "master teacher," of numerology, as well as the most evolved, spiritually seeking number.

Life path number compatibility

As aforementioned, numerology can be used to assess compatibility, with some life path numbers more likely to get along than others. However, just like astrology, the MBTI, or the enneagram, you should take absolutes about numerological compatibility with a grain of salt.

As Kaerhart explains, "While the numbers can help guide us toward aligning with the energy (or number) that feels right to us, no area of study can say with 100% certainty what will or will not work. Always use your own discernment."

In other words? If you're smitten with someone and find their life path number isn't compatible with yours, don't just kick them to the curb, and vise versa, don't give someone the benefit of the doubt if they're not treating you well just because their number is compatible with yours.

Here's a helpful infographic provided by Kaehart on numerological compatibility:

chart of numerology compatibility
numerology compatibility
Image by Kaitlyn Kaerhart / Pop Press

Life path numbers versus angel numbers

If you're one to look up the meaning of 333 when you see it often, for example, you're probably familiar with the idea of angel numbers.

It's worth mentioning here that angel numbers and numerology are not the same. According to Kaehart, numerology is an ancient practice, and angel numbers are not.

Nevertheless, she says, if you have any particular connections to certain numbers or number sequences, you can absolutely ascribe your own meaning to them in the case of angel numbers.

Here's our guide to angel numbers for more information.

So you know your life path number—now what?

Understanding the significance of your life path number can shed light on multiple areas of your life, from your home and family to your career and romantic relationships.

As Buchanan explains, "Numerology can be used for many things, but some of its most common applications are to help foster greater self-awareness and understanding, uncover personal and professional interests, and evaluate relationship compatibility."

Take romance, for example: Life path numbers, Buchanan says, "can reveal if you and your partner are walking on the same path and heading in the same direction."

Like astrology, the point of these ancient practices is not always to predict what's going to happen, or help you find love, but rather to help you understand and know yourself on a deeper level—and hopefully, grow and evolve throughout your life.

Long story short, Kaerhart says, "Knowing this number empowers and guides you to step into the most authentic version of yourself."

The takeaway

Does the description of your life path number resonate with you? We've only just scratched the surface of all numerology can reveal. The more you understand your life path and your numerological chart as a whole, the more you can use it to nail down your purpose and learn your life's greatest lessons.

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