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How To Clear Negative Energy At Home Using Grocery Store Staples (Yes, Really)

Dana Claudat
December 27, 2018
Dana Claudat
Designer & Feng Shui Master
By Dana Claudat
Designer & Feng Shui Master
Dana Claudat is a modern Feng Shui Master and founder of The School Of Intention Feng Shui Certification Program. She holds a B.A. from Stanford University.
Image by Lauren Edmonds / Stocksy
December 27, 2018

Feng shui is based on the idea that when you clear away negative energy at home, you create more room for flow or "chi"—something we can't necessarily see, but we can feel. 

When the chi energy around us is stuck or stagnant, we can feel unmotivated, tired, on-edge, creatively blocked, unsettled, or just "blah." When that energy is free-flowing, there's a sense of ease and inspiration in the air—a feeling of presence and positivity that translates into all kinds of creative action.

You've probably heard of a few common tools used to unblock this chi and welcome the good vibes, such as sage and palo santo. Sadly, not everyone has a stash of smudge sticks or handmade Tibetan incense at their disposal all the time! Not to worry: There are plenty of common household items that are wildly effective at clearing your home of unwanted energy and leaving everything feeling fresh for the new year ahead.

Here are some of my favorite simple ingredients that I use to lift the energy in my home, inspired by feng shui philosophy and ancient traditions. Even if you don't buy that they'll brighten your space on an energetic level, they'll also leave it feeling physically fresher and more clean.

Baking soda

Not only will baking soda freshen the scent of carpets and some upholstery, it's also thought to clear stagnation from your space. I always make sure that pets and kids are in a separate room when I sprinkle baking soda over my floors and carpet. After an hour or so, I vacuum everything and finish by mopping the floors for a final polish.

When I want to be extra fancy, I grind up some dried parsley or mint extra-fine and add it to the baking soda powder. Both herbs are known in some traditions for their money magnetism, and I love them for their freshness.

Sea salt

There are so many wildly effective ways to use salt to clear negative energy, but one of the easiest is to place the mineral in a small bowl and put it anywhere in your space that could use a boost. (Again, you want to keep it out of reach of pets and kids!) I leave the bowls for as long as I feel it's needed—sometimes it's just for a day, sometimes up to a week. When I feel my house is lighter, I fill the bowls with warm water to dissolve the salt and rinse it down the drain. 

Lemons (with salt!)

Lemons are incredible for space clearing. You can chop up a few and place them in several glasses filled with water and a pinch of sea salt. Leave them out for a day (they will start to attract mold if left out longer!) with the intention of adding more bright energy to your home.

Bay leaves 

Dried bay leaves, the kind you cook with, have amazing space-clearing properties. I've had clients around the world have lots of luck burning bay leaves as you would incense. You can light a leaf or two in a fire-safe container and stay beside it until it is fully burned. But remember: NEVER leave anything burning unattended!

White vinegar

I used to fear that my home would smell of vinegar if I used it for space cleansing, but the scent dissipates once it dries. I mix a solution in a spray bottle of 50-50 vinegar and water and use it to clean my windows, bathroom, sinks, stovetops, and other nonporous surfaces. You won't want to use this on stone, granite, or wood, and you'll want to test it on grout to be sure it is OK for the surface you're working with. Beyond the energy-boosting benefits, vinegar is an incredible natural cleaner.


No surprise here: All fresh flowers can brighten up a home (hence why flower essences are such a popular healing modality). I personally love roses—and once they've passed their prime, you can sprinkle the petals on your mattress (I do this while washing all my sheets and bedding) and leave them for an hour or two, imagining that the petals further cleanse your bed. Gather them up when you're ready to make your bed again with freshened bedding.

These are just a few thought starters, but any way you can think to "clear" the energy in your home before the new year is excellent. Clean your desk. Declutter your problem space (more tips on that here). Who knows—all that newfound clear space could help you feel brighter, more focused, and in the flow of magnetism and abundance.

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