How Often Should You Pee Each Day? A Urologist Answers

If you've been spending most of your days at home over the last six months, you've had a lot of extra time to consider life's big questions. One of which that may be on your brain: Are you peeing too often or not peeing often enough? (Don't pretend you haven't considered this.)
If you're rushing to the bathroom several times within an hour, it may be a sign of an underlying medical condition. On the other hand, if you find yourself passing hours without having to go, that could be signaling another type of issue altogether. The good news? Whatever type of bathroom-goer category you fall into, it's possible to train your bladder and improve any unwanted habits.
How often should you pee?
How often a person pees will vary depending on age, what medications they're on, what and how much they're drinking, and many more factors. But in general, the average, healthy person will pee between three and four times per day, urologist Vannita Simma-Chiang, M.D., tells mbg.
Peeing too little.
Peeing any less than that (i.e., one to two times per day) is not enough, she says. Infrequent urination is usually a sign of dehydration. "If you're dehydrated, your urine can get really concentrated," Simma-Chiang says, "and that actually predisposes you to urinary tract infections (UTI)."
Since the amount of water a person needs each day will differ, the best way to test your hydration levels is simply by checking the color of your pee. "If your urine is a really dark yellow, you're probably not drinking enough," she says. Additionally, any time you feel thirsty or your throat is dry, it's a good idea to drink water.
Peeing too often.
On the flip side, if your pee is completely clear, that's probably a sign you're drinking too much.
Our bodies are built to maintain homeostasis, Simma-Chiang explains, so if your pee is as clear as water, the body is communicating that it's adequately hydrated. "At that point, your body is just dumping water," she says.
It's not just water, though. Coffee is both a natural diuretic and a bladder stimulant, which can increase urgency to pee, Simma-Chiang says. "I'm not trying to be anti-coffee," she says. "Coffee tastes really great, it gives you a boost in the morning, and it has a lot of antioxidants." That said, it's important to moderate your intake. While frequent urination from overhydration isn't necessarily dangerous, it can be disruptive to daily life.
How can peeing too often affect well-being?
Peeing frequently isn't always indicative of a medical condition, but it can be frustrating.
Waking up throughout the night to use the bathroom can disrupt sleep quality, leading to a decline in energy, alertness, and focus the next day. It can also just be downright distracting during the day—having to rush to the bathroom multiple times within an hour can get old, fast.
If it's clear that you haven't increased your fluid intake, these new urinary patterns could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. If that's the case, it's a good idea to speak with a urologist or primary care physician.
Medical conditions that may affect pee frequency.
The most common medical culprit for an increase in pee frequency is a UTI, especially in younger people, Simma-Chiang says. Less common but more concerning causes may be bladder cancer, overactive bladder, diabetes, or kidney stones.
Diuretic medications can also increase urgency and frequency to go to the bathroom. These are commonly prescribed to patients with cardiovascular disease. This is a natural side effect of diuretics and shouldn't be a cause of concern.
How to establish healthy pee habits.
Those who are experiencing disruptions to daily life or sleep (and have ruled out serious medical concerns), may benefit from timed voiding. This process of gaining control over your bladder is also called bladder training. To do so, Simma-Chiang suggests going to the bathroom every three to four hours. Setting a phone timer may be helpful to stick to the schedule.
Keeping track of fluid intake (when you're drinking, what you're drinking, and how much), as well as every time you go to the bathroom can also be a helpful way to track and correct any unhealthy habits.

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