How Long Does It Actually Take For Your Probiotic To Start Working?

With promises of supporting digestion, mood, and immune function, probiotics have become one of the most popular supplements on the market. But how long do you have to take them before you see the benefits? We looked into the research and tapped into some experts to find out.
What are probiotics?
Probiotics are living microorganisms (usually bacteria or yeast) that help maintain balance in your gut microbiome. They can be found in certain foods, like yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, as well as supplements (here: our top picks for probiotics).
Aside from supporting your gut health and alleviating gas and bloat, probiotics have also been linked to a myriad of science-backed health benefits, including a healthy immune system, weight management, skin health, and mood. (Learn about how probiotics benefit men specifically here. )
How long does it take for probiotic supplements to work?
Researchers have looked at the timeline for several common conditions that probiotics are known to support and found some similarities (and some differences, too).
Researchers from one review1 looked at 63 studies on how quickly probiotics could help in cases of acute diarrhea and found that some participants experienced relief as quickly as two days into probiotic treatment.
Another study of 60 participants with an H. pylori infection found that symptoms of antibiotic-related diarrhea and nausea improved within 14 days.
In a study on functional constipation2, researchers gave 70 participants a probiotic-rich beverage for four weeks and reported improvements in constipation severity and stool consistency by the start of the second week.
Researchers from another study3 gave 47 participants a similar probiotic-rich drink and found that while there were slight improvements initially, the most significant improvements didn't happen until week four.
Studies show that probiotics can help alleviate bloating, flatulence, and discomfort.
In one study, participants saw significant improvements in bloating in as little as 21 days.
In another study4, researchers gave 60 participants probiotics for eight weeks. While the participants showed improvements by week four, symptoms continued to get better through week eight.
It is important to note that probiotics can sometimes cause bloat, so if you're having that issue, consider the strain and timing carefully with your healthcare provider.
Weight maintenance
When it comes to issues outside of the gastrointestinal tract, results may take a little longer. One study of 90 adults with overweight and obesity found that taking a probiotic supplement for 12 weeks had a favorable effect on participants' visceral fat5.
While a 24-week study of combined probiotic supplements with a reduced-calorie diet6 saw similar benefits for weight loss and maintenance.
Skin health
In studies that looked at changes in skin health, the results were dependent on the condition. Researchers from one review7 looked at several different skin woes and concluded that while probiotic therapy may help clear up dermatitis or eczema in four weeks, it could take as long as three months.
A study that looked at how probiotic-rich milk affected acne in 18 adults found that improvements in skin inflammation8 and visible acne became apparent after 12 weeks.
In general, here's when you may start noticing your probiotics working
If you put all the research together, the general consensus is that it can take anywhere from a couple of days to several weeks for your probiotic to start working.
Of course, this list doesn't contain all of the woes that probiotics can help, but it can give you an idea of what to expect when it comes to timeline:
- Occasional diarrhea: 2 to 14 days
- Nonchronic constipation: 7 days to 4 weeks
- Bloating: 3 to 4 weeks (with a 6-month maintenance period)
- Weight maintenance: 8 to 12 weeks
- Skin problems: 4 weeks to 3 months
While a variety of factors may influence how effective your probiotic is, you can expect to see positive changes within two weeks, with additional benefits after six weeks and with continued use.
Even if you're not seeing changes in symptoms right away, the probiotics may be doing their job behind the scenes, so don't give up too quickly. A unhealthy gut, chronic stress, a poor diet, and frequent antibiotic use can increase the amount of time it takes for a probiotic to exert it's full effect.
Reasons why your probiotic may not be working
But sometimes, a probiotic may not work. Here are the top culprits for when that happens.
- Taking the wrong probiotic strain: There are thousands of probiotic strains, but not all of them are associated with the same benefits. For example, if you're goal is weight loss, you should look for a supplement that contains a strain clinically shown to support weight (like Bifidobacterium lactis B420).
- Incorrect dosage: Probiotics also need to be ingested at certain doses to see a benefit. Going back to that weight loss example, Bifidobacterium lactis B420 has been shown to support weight with a daily dose of 10 billion CFU9. You may not notice any weight support with doses less than that.
- Improper storage: Probiotics are live bacteria. Storing the product properly helps ensure that these good gut bugs live to see your colon. Follow the storage directions on the supplements you take (some may require refrigeration while others just need a cool, dry space).
- Taking expired probiotics: Pay attention to the expiration date on your bottle of probiotics. Probiotics past their prime likely no longer contain the total number of live bacteria the label says it should.
Tips for making your probiotic work better
There are a number of things you can do to help make your probiotic work better and more efficiently:
Find a targeted strain that's specific to your symptoms or condition
While there's a lot of research to back up the effectiveness of probiotics, you have to make sure you're choosing the right strain for your specific condition/symptoms.
For specific suggestions, check out our probiotic roundup, or our probiotics for men article.
Make sure you're getting the right dosage
Many over-the-counter products contain 1 to 100 billion CFU/dose, but some strains are effective at lower levels, while others require higher doses.
"Look for a dairy-free probiotic supplement that contains at least 15 billion CFUs each of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains (a total of 30 billion CFUs) guaranteed by the manufacturer through the expiration date," says gut health expert Vincent M. Pedre, M.D.
Follow the proper storage instructions
Because probiotics are alive, they're susceptible to die-off when exposed to light, heat, or prolonged storage.
If they're not stored properly—some require refrigeration—it can reduce their viability and effectiveness. Make sure to keep them cold if they're not shelf-stable, and always check the expiration date.
Eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of gut-friendly and fermented foods
Prebiotic foods, like garlic, onion, and artichoke help feed probiotics, allowing them to grow and thrive. On the other hand, sugars and processed foods feed yeast, which can overtake good bacteria and cause infection.
Make sure your diet includes plenty of fiber-rich vegetables and fermented foods, which are naturally rich in probiotics. Here's a gut-friendly grocery list to lead you in the right direction.
Manage your stress levels and prioritize taking a break
Stress wreaks havoc on the gut10 by destroying good bacteria and contributing to bacterial imbalance—or gut dysbiosis.
If you're experiencing chronic stress, then figure out ways to manage your stress levels and get your system back into balance. Yoga, meditation, journaling, and taking a vacation are all good places to start.
Time your probiotics
Probiotics are susceptible to harsh conditions, and stomach acid can kill them before they make it to your small intestine. In general, it's best to take probiotics on an empty stomach, when stomach acid is lower.
Be discerning about your antibiotic use
Although sometimes antibiotics are necessary, Will Bulsiewicz, M.D., MSCI, a gastroenterologist and internationally recognized gut health expert, advises that you "proceed cautiously" when presented with an option to take antibiotics.
Bulsiewicz recommends avoiding unnecessary use by always asking if the medication is necessary and if there are other safe options to explore first.
The takeaway
There's no one-size-fits-all answer to how long it takes for probiotics to work, but in most cases, you can expect to see some results within two weeks, with additional benefits after six weeks.
If you've been taking your probiotics for a while and you're still not seeing results, make sure you're choosing the right probiotic with strains targeted to your specific condition, check that they're not expired, and make sure that you're storing them according to the manufacturer's instructions.
10 Sources