How A House Blessing Can Bring Positive Energy Into Your Space

Your home is an extension of your body and spirit—so holding a house blessing can help welcome positive energy into your space and life. Your blessing doesn't need to be denominational: Just think of it as a way to imbue your home with love, harmony, health, happiness, and prosperity.
When's the best time to do a house blessing?
You can do a house blessing before you move into a new space or when you want to bless a space you already inhabit in a new, purposeful way. For example, you may do a house blessing when a new spouse moves in or a baby comes into your life. You can also do one right before a new chapter starts in your life and you want to invite a fresh energy into your home.
Whenever you choose to conduct your blessing, I'd recommend doing a quick cleanup beforehand. Start with a clean slate by clearing clutter, dusting and wiping down dirty surfaces, or burning a sage stick if that's your thing.
How to bless your home.
Here are five steps from my book, Feng Shui Your Life, on how to conduct your harmonious house blessing. Feel free to invite like-minded friends or family to participate too. The more positive intentions you invoke, the better!
- Set the tone by playing calming music, and ask everyone to stand in a circle.
- Welcome and thank your friends and family for being a part of this special occasion.
- Light a pink candle (pink brings the energy of love and kindness) and pass it to each new person, who then shares a blessing.
- You may also walk to different areas of the home stating specific intentions for each room as a way of designating it for a special purpose.
- When the house blessing comes to an end, place the pink candle in the center of your home to burn for at least one hour. Open all east-facing windows and doors to invite the life-giving energy of the rising sun into your home.
There are many house blessing prayers, so feel free to research one that feels right to you and your family. Below is a prayer that I use and suggest to my clients. Feel free to edit it to make it your own.
"To the Divine Spirit (or Universal Energy, Supreme One, etc.), in lighting this candle, we summon love, harmony, peace, and prosperity into our home. May we be blessed with good health, happiness, success, and abundance. May this home be a sacred dwelling for us and our children. May those who visit us feel peace and love. We decree that this home is now shielded from harm, illness, or misfortune. Thank you for bringing divine light, love, and energy into our hearts, rooms, and endeavors. With tremendous gratitude, we thank you. In full faith, so be it, and so it is!"
Wishing you and your home much happiness, health, love, and prosperity!