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Don't Miss Out On The Mental Health Benefits Of The "Hot Girl Walk"

Josey Murray
May 17, 2022
Josey Murray
mbg Contributing Writer
By Josey Murray
mbg Contributing Writer
Josey Murray is a freelance writer focused on inclusive wellness, joyful movement, mental health, and the like.
Image by McKinsey Jordan / Stocksy
May 17, 2022
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Meet the TikTok rebrand of your average walk around the block: the hot girl walk. 

This movement trend has people across the social media platform and beyond committing to a mindful walk filled with intentional self-love. Social media doesn't always promote the healthiest behaviors, but when the girlies decided to rebrand walking to make it fun and good for your mental health, I was here for it.

Keep reading for mbg's interpretation of the hot girl walk best practices, which include prioritizing mental health, movement with no time or distance requirements, and appreciating your environment and body for the way they exist right now. 

What is a hot girl walk?

So what is a "hot girl walk"? It's simple. The creator of the hot girl walk, Mia (aka @exactlyliketheothergirls on TikTok), says it has three rules:

  1. Think about what you're grateful for. I am grateful for my legs that carry me through life and along hiking trails. 
  2. Think through your goals and the steps to achieve them. I will commit to honoring my values of kindness and offer a random act of kindness today. 
  3. Remind yourself of how hot you are. I am the main character of my life and it's time to act like it. 

It started off as a 4-mile walk, but in no way is that the requirement for the hot girl walk. Walking and embracing movement (and the natural energy that comes along with it) for however long you want counts—no matter the distance.

Benefits of the hot girl walk.

Another important component of the hot girl walk is going outside! Personally, I'm a huge proponent of nature's ability to transform our mental health.

Ecopsychologist Loraine Van Tuyl, Ph.D., CHT, says that nature can be physically healing because it provides the body with immune-supporting bacteria, healing aromas, and that all-important vitamin D

Reconnecting with and appreciating the natural world can be incredibly transformative and even make you more resilient. A hot girl walk is a perfect time to reconnect with your natural environment. Even actress and activist Bonnie Wright loves to get outside for a daily walk

The TikTok that started it all also says that the most important thing about the hot girl walk is that it doesn't end when the walk ends. You have to take that positive energy with you the rest of the day. As we know, movement is hugely energizing and mood-boosting, so this hot girl walk could be just the thing to turn your day around. 

What else makes for a successful hot girl walk? Some chunky over-the-ear headphones and a jammin’ playlist that you can turn up to tune out the drama of your life.

This walk isn't the time to ruminate on that awkward thing you said to your date the other night or about the inevitabilities of the climate crisis. It's a time to focus on the here and now and to allow negative thoughts to pass like cars on the road or birds flying in and out of your view. 

Making the hot girl walk more inclusive.

Of course, people all over TikTok have been creating their own variations of the hot girl walk to suit the type of movement they like, the outfits they prefer, and their own vibe.

I've seen variations including the "gay girl walk" that is a mile and half where the creator dreamed about a Taylor Swift–themed amusement park, the "Adam Sandler walk" for those who prefer T-shirts and hoodies to trendy athleisure, and even the "grumpy girl stomp" for those that are a little sad but know they should get outside. 

The moral of the story is that we're all embracing movement in a more accepting and inclusive way–which is a huge win in my book. One important thing to remember is to modify the rules of the trend to work for you because this walk isn't just for the girls. It's for everyone.

And despite the name, it's not about physical beauty, either. It's about reclaiming your confidence and acting as the main character of your life!

More hot girl walk tips:

  • Make sure there is a safe walking path or route that you feel comfortable taking alone, or team up with some friends to feel more comfortable. 
  • Set a destination like a coffee shop that is less than 2 miles away, so you feel more motivated about walking toward something (plus you get to pair your hot girl walk with a little treat—and the little treat lifestyle is what helps get me through each day, truly). 
  • Pair your hot girl walk with an energizing supplement like mbg focus+ to build on those empowering, mood-lifting effects.*
  • Wear comfortable and supportive shoes (like these podiatrist-approved walking sneakers) so you don't have to end your hot girl walk any sooner than you'd like to.

The takeaway.

Movement in any capacity is beneficial to your mental and physical well-being. So, slip your feet into your favorite pair of sneakers, pump up the tunes, and recognize your existence as a vital part of this beautiful, magical world.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.
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