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Looking For A Hobby? Here Are 127 Options To Find Your Next New Thing

Sarah Regan
December 06, 2023
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Hobbies are like the cherry-on-top of a well-rounded life. Not only are they enriching and challenging for our minds, but they're actually beneficial to our health and longevity too.

Your hobbies might be totally different from the next person's, and that's totally cool! What counts is that you're having fun, you feel enriched, or that the activity is somehow beneficial for you.

Not to mention, hobbies become even more important as we get older. One recent study published in the journal Nature Medicine1 even found that having a hobby is linked with not only fewer depressive symptoms in people 65 and up but also higher levels of happiness, self-reported health, and life satisfaction.

So, without further ado, here are 127 unique hobbies for women (or anyone really!) looking to try something new.

Creative & crafty hobbies

  1. Scrapbooking
  2. Collaging
  3. Knitting
  4. Sewing
  5. Embroidery
  6. Crocheting
  7. Resin crafts
  8. Jewelry making
  9. Card making
  10. Quilt making
  11. Clothing making
  12. Drawing
  13. Painting
  14. Watercolors
  15. Sketching
  16. Wreath making
  17. Pottery
  18. Wood burning
  19. Playing an instrument
  20. Singing
  21. Calligraphy
  22. Papier-mâché
  23. Candle making
  24. Poetry
  25. Journaling
  26. Flower arranging
  27. Photography
  28. Bullet journaling
  29. Flower pressing
  30. Music production software
  31. Photo editing
  32. Video editing
  33. Soap making
  34. Sea glass and/or driftwood art
  35. Screen printing
  36. Origami
  37. Mandala-making
  38. Coloring books

Outdoor & athletic hobbies

  1. Running
  2. Walking
  3. Hiking
  4. Trail walking
  5. Kayaking
  6. Canoeing
  7. Frisbee golf
  8. Pickleball
  9. Badminton
  10. Yoga
  11. Pilates
  12. Dance
  13. Zumba
  14. Spinning
  15. Bike riding
  16. Rollerblading
  17. Archery
  18. Weight lifting
  19. Boxing
  20. Tai chi
  21. Qi gong
  22. Barre
  23. Ice skating
  24. Golf
  25. Tennis
  26. Horseback riding
  27. Volleyball
  28. Softball
  29. Swimming
  30. Bowling
  31. Table tennis
  32. Kickball
  33. Gardening
  34. Birdwatching
  35. Rock climbing
  36. Fishing
  37. Skiing
  38. Snowboarding
  39. Snow shoeing

Relaxing hobbies

  1. Reading
  2. Meditation
  3. Visiting art galleries
  4. Visiting museums
  5. Visiting libraries
  6. Learning a new language
  7. Blogging
  8. Listening to podcasts
  9. Acupressure
  10. Perfecting your skin care routine

Group hobbies

  1. Volunteering
  2. Joining a fitness club (i.e., running or tennis)
  3. Starting a book club
  4. Hosting dinner parties
  5. Taking group fitness classes (i.e., yoga or Pilates)
  6. Taking group workshops (i.e., writing or pottery)
  7. Taking cooking classes
  8. Joining an outdoor hiking club
  9. Going to local trivia nights
  10. Community gardening
  11. Joining a local sports league (i.e., softball or kickball)
  12. Hosting a monthly movie club

Collecting hobbies

  1. Crystals
  2. Magnets
  3. Coins
  4. Sports memorabilia
  5. Buttons & pins
  6. T-shirts
  7. Travel souvenirs
  8. Sea glass
  9. Seashells
  10. Driftwood
  11. Vintage decor
  12. Vintage clothing
  13. Books
  14. Houseplants
  15. Stamps
  16. Teacups
  17. Art

Wildcard hobbies

  1. Beekeeping
  2. Investing
  3. Foraging
  4. Stand-up comedy
  5. Playing poker or card games
  6. Playing board games
  7. Wine tasting
  8. Pickling/preserving food
  9. Learning astrology
  10. Writing a book
  11. Doing puzzles


What hobbies can women have?

Women can enjoy a variety of hobbies such as studying a particular topic, learning a new skill like baking or gardening, crafting, joining a club or workshop, and so much more.

What 5 hobbies should I have?

Consider different hobbies to suit different needs. For example, you can have a hobby that keeps you in shape, a hobby that makes you money, a hobby that is creative, a hobby that is intellectual, and a hobby involved with your friends/community.

How do I find a hobby I like?

To find a hobby you like, refer to a list such as the one found in this article, and narrow down a few that call to you based on your interests. Try out different hobbies until you find one that you like doing that fits into your life seamlessly.

The takeaway

Hobbies are a great way for women to enrich their lives, learn something new, and in some cases, connect with other people in your communities. Hobbies bring joy to our lives, keep us sharp as we age, and allow us to access flow states that are beneficial to our well-being—so find your next new thing and prepare to have some fun.

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