Here’s What Gisele Bündchen’s Daily Routine Looks Like (Smoothie Recipe Included)

Whether it’s on the cover of a magazine, her social media, or in an interview, Gisele Bündchen glows from the inside out. Emanating joy and vitality, we all want to know: How does she do it? In her brand new cookbook, Nourish, we get simple recipes that empower our body and feed our soul, but also a glimpse into Gisele’s mindset and philosophy. While she cherishes foods that make her body feel the best, she also believes in flexibility. She speaks to her love for a morning smoothie, but also the pure pleasure of a baguette with French butter… Who can’t relate? This cookbook feels like something we’ve long been waiting for—100 delicious and approachable recipes to kickstart and maintain a healthy lifestyle with balance and intention.
From Brazilian Cheese Bread to Banana Dream Pie—this cookbook is a step into Gisele’s bright and nourishing world. To get a taste (literally), check out the excerpt and recipe below! To purchase your own copy of Nourish, click here.
An Excerpt from Nourish, by Gisele Bündchen:
My Daily Routine
I feel better and healthier now in my forties than I did in my twenties! After burning out my adrenal glands when I was younger, I had to find a new routine. My old way of living—not sleeping enough, eating nothing of value, drinking loads of sugary coffee drinks and wine every night before bed—made my digestion a mess and provoked anxiety attacks and depression.
The goal of my new routine was to help me live the longest while having the best quality of life. Changing my lifestyle has proved to be vital to improving my health and well-being. When I am traveling, it can be difficult to keep consistent, but at home—whether in Florida or in Costa Rica—I relish my daily routines and spending time with my family. Every day is a gift, so I try to make each one count and stay in the present, while also practicing flexibility—rigidity can create stress. I’m always adjusting and optimizing, but I here are the things I aim to do on an ideal day:
• Wake up early: That’s usually before sunrise and before my kids.
• Scrape my tongue: I use a copper tongue scraper, which is meant to be beneficial for bone health.
• Start hydrating: Right when I wake up, I drink a glass of lukewarm water with a lemon squeezed in it and a pinch of high-mineral salt (I like Celtic salt). Putting a gentle, alkaline thing in your stomach wakes up your system.
• Moving meditation/meditation (see page 20 in Nourish): This sets my mood and intentions for the day. If I’m proactive about having this time, I always have a better, more productive day.
• Dog walking: I walk the dogs for at least 30 minutes. Sometimes I’ll make calls if I need to catch up with work, but I really love to go without my phone and just enjoy the quiet time.
• Oil pulling: I do it with ayurveda oil (or unrefined virgin coconut oil) for about 10 minutes as it’s good for the gums! For efficiency, I usually feed the dogs while I do it.
• Exercise: These days, I usually do a combination of weight training and cardio.
• Breakfast: The type of breakfast I crave depends on my workout. If I’ve lifted weights, I like some protein, like boiled eggs or a smoothie (see pages 55–57 in Nourish) with a scoop of unflavored protein powder.
• Morning work time: When I am not on set, I do Zoom calls and meetings at home. I usually have a dandelion tea with honey at some point. I have an alarm set on my phone every hour to remind me to get up from my computer between meetings to do some lunges or stretches for 5 minutes so I don’t feel stiff from sitting.
• Lunch: Ideally this is at least four to five hours after breakfast: Unless I’m having a big meal at dinner (like going out with friends or having people over), this is usually my main meal of the day. This is also when I usually take my supplements (see page 45 of Nourish).
• Afternoon work time: I usually have another herbal tea.
• Dinner: Ideally this is at least four hours after lunch, and a couple of hours prior to bedtime. I usually have a light dinner (unless I’m entertaining or being entertained) so I don’t go to bed with a full stomach and can sleep more comfortably.
• Dog walking: It’s important to move after eating and before going to sleep.
• Bedtime: Before bed, I drink some chamomile tea and sometimes take some magnesium (see page 45 of Nourish). If I’m at home, I usually go to sleep early, between 9 and 10, so I can get at least seven hours of sleep and still wake up early. Rest is absolutely vital—don’t underestimate its power!
Banana Smoothie Recipe
- About 4 cups frozen, peeled, halved bananas (about 4 large bananas)
- About 3 cups juice from a “liquid” fruit (unsweetened coconut water, unsweetened apple juice, honeydew, cantaloupe, watermelon, apples)
- ¼ cup soaked and peeled almonds (page 69 of Nourish), blanched almonds, almond cream (page 57 of Nourish), or ground almond solids (from making almond milk, page 69 of Nourish); or 1 scoop unflavored protein powder
Place the bananas in the blender with the juice and almonds. (Or you can prepare the juice ahead of time and store in the fridge for up to 24 hours, then quickly blend with the remaining ingredients the next morning.)
Blend until creamy and smooth. If desired, strain through a fine-mesh sieve to remove the tiny banana seeds for easier digestion. Enjoy!

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