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The Heartwarming Well-Being Behind This Multiracial Family & Their Two Cats

December 18, 2023
Branded Content Editor
December 18, 2023

A loving family with three kiddos has always been the dream for Sarah Jayne, otherwise known as @thismessymamahood. But her family actually started years ago when she and her husband adopted their two cats, Spock and Luna (on their second date!). After years of working through fertility challenges, they were able to have two daughters. And adoption is still a part of their story: They're now in the process of infant adoption.

Sarah Jayne's family is multiracial and bilingual, as her husband is a first-generation American from Central America. Helping her kids embrace their full heritage is an everyday priority, and under this roof—family is the most important thing, cats included. For Sarah Jayne, part of showing Spock and Luna love means choosing quality nutrition, like Hill's Science Diet. For the full, heartwarming story behind how this fam stays well for the long run, press play!

Hill's Science Diet Adult 7+ Indoor Cat Food, Chicken Recipe

*Be advised, parts of this story mention or are related to pregnancy loss.