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mbg moves: A Gentle Yoga Flow To Help You Feel More Grounded, Balanced & Strong

Certified Yoga Teacher
By Phyllicia Bonanno
Certified Yoga Teacher
Phyllicia Bonanno is a Sweat yoga instructor, wellness influencer and sound bath facilitator based in New Jersey and New York City.

Image by Andreas von Scheele
March 22, 2021
Welcome to mbg moves! We've been working out at home more than ever lately—and we know our readers are, too. To help keep your fitness routine feeling fresh, we're releasing a new at-home workout every Monday, to start your week off strong. Each month will feature routines from a different incredible trainer we adore. Now, let's get moving with our spotlight trainer: Phyllicia Bonanno.
Most of us could use a bit more grounding in our lives, particularly after this past year and all its challenges. To help you feel more connected and rooted to your body, the world, and your practice—I've put together a gentle yoga routine you can do any time. This flow is designed to help you ground to the Earth beneath you while also helping you build balance and strength.
Another great thing about this flow: It only takes 12 minutes, so it's perfect whenever you need a moment of calm connection in your day. As you move through the sequence, remember that no matter what comes your way in life, you are present and capable in your own body.
Time: 12 minutes
Equipment: Yoga mat
Instructions: Move from one pose to the next, following the flow cues as noted.
Equipment: Yoga mat
Instructions: Move from one pose to the next, following the flow cues as noted.
Mountain Pose
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- Stand up tall, and allow your shoulders to drop back.
- Feel grounded as your crown stretches toward the sky.
- Take a deep breath in, reach your arms up to the sky. Continue to forward fold.
Forward Fold
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- Stand up tall with your arms reaching up to the sky.
- As you exhale, hinge at your hips and fold your upper body forward, bending your knees if needed.
- Inhale, and come into a half lift. Then exhale and lower back down.
- Hold for a breath, then continue to plank pose.
Plank to Downward Dog
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- Ground down through your palms, and walk your feet to the back of your mat. Press down through your hands and toes, creating a straight line with your body.
- Inhale as you lift your hips up high, coming into a downward-dog position. Ground down through the soles of your feet and your hands, allowing your hips to be the highest point.
- Hold for a breath, then continue to warrior 1.
Warrior 1
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- From a downward-dog position, bring your right knee in toward your nose, and plant your foot in between your hands.
- Pivot your back foot down, and lift your torso up, coming into a warrior 1.
- Bend your front knee and lift your arms toward the sky.
- Hold for a couple of breaths, then continue to warrior 3.
Warrior 3
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- From a warrior 1 position, ground down through your front foot.
- Peel the back toes off the ground, and swing your arms behind you.
- Push your back leg up, creating a straight line from toe to torso.
- Hold for a couple of breaths, then continue to twisted half-moon.
Twisted Half-Moon
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- From a warrior 3 position, bring both hands down to your mat.
- Ground down through your left hand, and peel your right hand off the mat.
- Lift your right hand toward the sky, twisting through your upper body. Gaze up toward your fingertips.
- Hold for a breath, then release the back foot down and continue to peaceful warrior.
Peaceful Warrior
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- From warrior 1 pose, bring the left hand down behind you, and allow it to rest on the back of the left thigh.
- Keeping the right biceps by your ear, reach your arm backward. Gently bend your spine, gazing toward your fingertips.
- Hold for a breath, then allow both hands to come to the ground. Bring your feet back to a plank position, and move through chaturanga, upward-facing dog, then downward-facing dog. Hold for a couple of breaths, then repeat warrior 1, warrior 3, twisted half-moon, and peaceful warrior on the opposite side. Continue to tree pose.
Tree Pose
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- From a downward-facing dog, jump your feet to meet your hands at the top of the mat. Allow your body to slowly roll up to a standing position.
- Ground down through your left foot. Bend your right knee, and bring your right foot to your left ankle, lower part of your leg, or thigh (whatever you prefer).
- Stretch your arms up to the sky, or bring hands to heart center.
- Hold the balance for a couple of breaths, then repeat on the opposite side. Then, move into malasana squat.
Malasana Squat
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- From a standing position, lift your arms up to the sky, then bend forward, bringing your hands to the ground.
- Walk your feet hip-width distance apart.
- Bend your knees, pivot your toes out, and slowly lower into a squat.
- Hold for a couple of breaths, then continue into forward bend.
Seated One-Legged Forward Bend
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- Come to a seat on your mat. Extend your legs out in front of you.
- Bend your right knee, and bring the sole of your foot to your inner left thigh.
- Extend your arms up to the sky, then fold your torso over your legs.
- Hold for a couple of breaths, then switch legs, and repeat. Continue to boat pose.
Boat Pose
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- Extend your legs and arms out in front of you.
- Bend your knees, tilt backward, and lift your legs up so shins are parallel with the mat.
- Hold for a couple of breaths, then slowly lie down on your mat.
Shoulder Stand
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- Start lying on your mat, then inhale as you lift your legs up to the sky.
- You have the option to stay here or lift your hips and lower back up and off the mat. Support your lower back with your hands.
- Hold here for a couple of breaths. Then continue to plow pose.
Plow Pose
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- From a shoulder stand, hinge at your hips and slowly lower your legs behind you until your toes touch the ground.
- Interlace your fingers, and press your hands down onto the mat in front of you.
- Release your hands, and ground down into the mat with your palms. Slowly lower your legs back down to the mat, one vertebrae at a time.
- Once your entire body is on the mat, rest for a moment, then continue to happy baby.
Happy Baby
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- Start by lying on your mat. From here, bend your knees, and bring them in toward your chest.
- Grab the outsides of your feet with your hands. Roll side to side for extra release.
- Come back to center, give your knees a hug, then come up to a seated position.
- Close your practice by taking a few deep breaths in a seated position, with your hands resting on your knees.
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