What Does Green Poop Mean? A Doctor Explains

I've never been a fan of fluorescent, brightly colored foods, but I distinctly remember the day that I swore them off completely. My eldest daughter was three years old at the time and called me into the bathroom after she was done. I looked into the toilet and practically had a heart attack: The poop I saw was bright green. I was horrified, convinced she was mortally ill.
No, she wasn't dying and is currently a thriving 15-year-old. She simply hadn't digested the food coloring found in the green cookies she ate the day before.
Nevertheless, it's understandable to be concerned if you notice green poop in the toilet—whether it's your child's or your own. But there are a number of explanations for that surprising hue in your stool.
Why is my poop green?
There are many reasons poop can be green, most of which aren't any cause for concern. Here are a few of the possibilities.
You ate food with dyes.
One reason for your stool's hue could be caused by eating food with green, purple, or black food coloring in it, which can come out in poop as a green color. When you see this, it often means you're not digesting the artificial colors very well. The best solution to this is to eat super clean, drink lots of water, and not challenge the gut with dyed foods.
You eat a lot of green vegetables.
Even if you're eating well, certain green veggies—like kale, broccoli, and spinach—can cause your poop to be green. That's because they contain chloryphyll, the pigment that gives plants their green hue. On that note, if you take chlorophyll supplements or drink chlorophyll water, it can also turn your stool green.
Some fruits may have an affect as well, namely blueberries. Although, blueberries can also cause stool to look more black than green.
If you notice your poop is green, and you're not consuming dyed food, it could be a positive sign that you're eating plenty of healthy fruits and veggies.
You have diarrhea.
Diarrhea, which is a rapid transit of stool through the large intestine, is another main reason poop can be green in your toilet bowl. This happens because when you have diarrhea, the bile from your gallbladder doesn't have time to break down completely, so it comes out green.
Most cases of diarrhea from food poisoning will pass within 24 to 48 hours, although you can feel out of whack intestinally for a while afterward. It's important to drink lots of water when you have diarrhea so that you don't get dehydrated.
Taking a probiotic supplement can also help alleviate your symptoms.* One research review even found that some probiotic strains were able to decrease the duration of diarrhea symptoms1 by a full day. Plus, taking probiotic supplements regularly can help promote healthy digestion, support your immune system, and potentially decrease your chances of diarrhea in the first place.*
You took antibiotics.
If you've recently taken a course of antibiotics, it could alter the bacteria in your gut. Since those bacteria affect the color of your stool, you may notice some changes as a side effect—namely, your poop may appear green. In order to help restore a healthy balance of bacteria in your gut, you may want to incorporate a probiotic supplement like mbg's probiotic+.
There are also a number of other medications that may affect the pigment in your poop, such as iron supplements, for example. That said, if your poop is green, it may be a sign your body isn't absorbing the medication properly, so speak to your doctor if you're concerned this may be the case.
You may have an infection.
There are a few situations in which green poop would be a reason for concern. If you have green poop for longer than 72 hours, it might mean you have C. difficile2—an infection that typically happens after a long course of antibiotics or in someone with immune system dysfunction. It's often characterized by frequent, green, very smelly diarrhea and often has a low-grade fever associated with it.
When should I be concerned about green poop?
For the most part, green poop likely isn't something to worry about. However, if you're also experiencing fever, fatigue, vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, or blood in the stool, you should seek medical assistance. It could be a sign you're dealing with a more serious health condition that needs treatment.
Also, if you think you may have any of the infections already discussed, it's a good idea to reach out to your doctor for help, as well.
Bottom line
More likely, though, if you're having green poop, it's because you either ate something dyed, are having diarrhea (sometimes foods dyed with food coloring can increase your diarrhea, too), or because you're just rocking your veggie intake. But, as always, if you're worried, definitely consult with a physician for an evaluation.

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Jila Senemar, M.D., FACOG